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On episode 82 of Tatami Talk. We open up congratulating Anthony on getting his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu blue belt. We get his thoughts on reaching a color belt rank and what his goals are in the future in BJJ. Then we talk about the European Judo Union putting out their referee exam online for the public to take. Anthony gives us his thoughts and experience taking the test and how he did on it. We end the episode talking about a very hard question for any martial artist. Whether it's a striking or grappling martial art. How to choose when to leave, move on or transfer to a new dojo. What are some of the things to consider before you leave? Should you talk to your instructor before you decide to go? Is it possible for you to train in the same martial arts, if you do decide to leave? As well as some other hard questions you must ask yourself when choosing a new dojo.
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Follow us on Instagram: @tatamitalk
Juan: @thegr8_juan
Anthony: @anthonythrows
Intro + Outro by Donald Rickert: @donaldrickert
Cover Art by Mas: @masproduce
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