Yes, you can actually "brainwash" yourself this way. Every time you remember something, you're basically rewriting the memory into your brain. So every time you remember something, it becomes less reliable as it has more chances of being corrupted by new information.
So if you remember a childhood memory, then for some reason you add a detail that wasn't there before, that's the new memory.
Example: you remember going to the zoo as a kid, and you remember seeing a monkey. Then your mom shows you a photo album of your trip to the zoo, and in it, there's a picture of you watching a lion.
Next time you remember that trip to the zoo, you'll probably remember seeing a lion too, even though originally you didn't at all.
Memory is incredibly unreliable.
People are being bombarded with low quality information and disinformation.
They get their news from people like Joe Rogan, tik tok, Facebook, twitter, and their other stupid friends.
While the "good" people are trying to share quality information (truth), which takes time and effort, the "bad" people just straight up lie. So they can flood all these channels with their lies, and people just eat it up.
What's astonishing is that the governments are just letting all this happen. Just letting these tech companies peddle all these lies without any pushback.
Only Brazil seems to be actually doing something about Twitter and Musk, for example. Why haven't other countries cracked down on Musk? It's baffling...