
joined 7 years ago

He puesto enlaces sobre temas de que hablamos en los comentarios [THS] TheHackerStyle #19 con Rek2 (hispagatos) | Anarquista, hacker y pentester ... #Hackers #Hacking #HackerCulture #HackingIsNotACrime #hispagatos @hispagatos @anarcho_hackers #usenet #2600 #offthehook


[THS] TheHackerStyle #19 con Rek2 (hispagatos) | Anarquista, hacker y pentester - #TheHackerStyle #HackerCulture #HackingIsNotACrime #Hispagatos @2600 @hispagatos


#comp.lang.go the #go #golang programming language was approved by the big-8 board this weekend! If any #hacker #diy #tinker #privacy person out there needs an account on a server from the new Usenet that blocks binaries and only allows text articles, msg @NerdRat or @unthoiz we also recommend #alt.2600 #es.comp.hackers and #HappyHacking #Usenet #Privacy #HackerCulture @merce @thegibson @moribundo @Killab33z_OG @2600_madrid @tinker @golang_discussions


Today, world-wide #2600 Meetings! Join your local meetup! Here in #Madrid we have register here: for more information and #HackerCulture #HackingIsNotACrime #Hackers #Hacking find us in usenet: alt.2600 and


Ok #mpd and #matrix integration for my "I'm listening to" program is at beta stage for people to test, notice I added a blacklist so when listening to #radio you can blacklist some words to avoid commercials been output etc. @hispagatos


Finally, have time to listen to "Off the hook" Hacker #radio show special for Kevin Mitnick, episode 2023-07-26
you can download the MP3 from I have been listening to this #hacker show
since I was a kid in 1988, like I don't know what I will do if I miss one, this and the #2600 #Magazine are
a must for me. #HackerCulture #HackingIsNotACrime #offthehook #Hacking @2600 @hispagatos @anarcho_hackers @hacking @cyberpunk

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