
joined 2 years ago
[–] reddwarf 11 points 1 day ago

Should be short and sweet that explanation:

This week I have been fighting fascists who, under the guise of an illegitimate 'agency' and their deranged nazi saluting moronic leader, are trying to undermine and plunder our offices. I expect to do the same next week.

[–] reddwarf 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

And rightfully so!

I mean, the International Cat Court has been licking its chops to purrrsue these felineous crimes for years meow.

[–] reddwarf 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

So in simple terms, you propose to build a mom-and-pop shop and have it act like a global player like Amazon?

Congrats, it does not happen very often I sit in a chair and stare at the screen in disbelief!

[–] reddwarf 18 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Never seen a more useless group of people in a room. This means nothing. It is like children pretending to be shop owners and playing business.

Just ignore this as it is meant to rile up people, just ignore them. Ukraine and Europe should send a message to russia that they are ready for a surrender and prepared to start talking about reparations from russia. If they do not respond continue bombing them. In fact, with the support of Europe Ukraine should expand the war into russia (beyond what they already have).

Main thing to take away from this is: ignore the children on a BS mission and setup a fact and reality based alternative where adults can join and discuss what to do with this war from russia and how to handle and close it.
If you respond to this nonsense meeting and get annoyed or whatever, you just legitimized that group of clowns.

[–] reddwarf 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

So always assume some piece of knowledge is not obvious for someone out there and share

You just described a thing of mine I cannot help but do; explain the ever loving crap out of things
I need to be careful with that though as relatives start to complain and push back on me telling things over and over.
Thing is, until I see a full comprehension on the other side on what I try to convey I just keep explaining in variations, keep finding metaphors and keep pestering you until you 'get it'. Some say it is a virtue, some say it is a hindrance.

I have had therapy on this... 😂

[–] reddwarf 14 points 6 days ago

Some people lambasted Max when he shut up in a couple of interviews, doing the absolute bear minimum as required and give full on interviews outside of the buildings. But according to many he was 'behaving like a child' or 'being immature' or 'being the typical arrogant Max' and whatnot.

Turns out he was giving us a sample on how to deal with this BS and took the lead. My guess is the other drivers just neither have the balls nor gumption to follow suit. As so many times before, Max is at the forefront of these kind of situations and probably has to fight the bulk of this alone while others just sit still and smile sheepishly. The only other drivers I trust to speak out and help him with this are Hamilton and Alonso, the rest of the field you can not rely on to make a stance.

[–] reddwarf 7 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I use NPM in a docker container. It could not be easier in my opinion but then again, I did not use any of the alternatives so I might be missing out on something, who knows. I did manage a couple of proxy servers in the past based on Apache and I can tell you that NPM is much easier and logical to me than that.

Just create a compose file and start it. Create DNS records pointing to your NPM IP address/exposed IP and make a host in NPM sending traffic to the right container IP:port. The compose file is super simple, could not be easier. Here's mine for example:

    container_name: nginx-proxy-manager
    image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
    restart: always
      - '80:80'
      - '443:443'
      - ./data:/data
      - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

I just make sure ports 443 and 80 are exposed on my router so DNS records can point to that IP adrdess. All traffic on port 80 gets re-routed to 443.

I'm probably stating all the obvious things here 😀

[–] reddwarf 0 points 2 weeks ago

That is not correct, I tried to explain and guide, you do not listen. Behavior of a troll and will be treated as such. On the blocklist you go…

[–] reddwarf 0 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I just don't think this is all due to hippies in the 60s. 🤷‍♂️

I am sad and disappointed you failed to grasp what I meant in my diatribe of a post and keep pointing to hippies. I knew the moment I typed that word, bam, it would be someones focal point. So this one is on me, mea culpa. Now please, pretty please with cherries on top, stop referring to hippies as being the center point of my argument. You could not distill this from my post, again my mistake, but if you continue referring to hippies as my argument then that is from now on on you.

Have a good one.

[–] reddwarf 1 points 2 weeks ago

A war is never won without losing battles. I agree a lot has been achieved, this is true.

Remind me though, what is going on right now on the items you mentioned? And what about that liberal icon called Roe v Wade? Or what about hose rascals at the supreme court? Or what about the older SC justices that will be replaced with better indoctrinated and younger justices? Sure, they take losses but those are short term to them. To them this was to be expected and took the long term vision. Losses are to be expected, like I said wars are not won cleanly, you lose some battles once in a while. I'm not saying they won the war but I am saying that the left is hopelessly incapable of thinking long term. For example, what are the plans on getting liberal justices in the SC? Do you have any idea? I don't, perhaps they have some super duper secret genius plan to correct the imbalance? Or could they be so utterly incompetent that they are left standing clutching their precious minor participation trophies while the bigger ones somehow all end up with the right? And yes, if I make it sound like a 'game' or 'match' then you better believe I am. Not because I want to but I do recognize the nonsense coming our way is treated as such and it is successful. So better buckle up and start playing the game or...stand against the wall and pouting.

I know what you mean and you are not wrong, of course some liberal items got through in society. However, long term planning by conservatives has chipped away at those as you must be aware. And you cannot have missed the massive support for the right at the moment, in the US but also globally. This is not only a US problem, this is a global one.

Anyway, I feel like I am on a rant and the question was: what is your insight or explanation for that split in the graphic and well, this is mine. So for the sake of my sanity and peace of mind I will now stop explaining or getting into detail, it will change absolutely nothing but has all the markings of getting me down and sad. F that shit.

[–] reddwarf 11 points 2 weeks ago (14 children)

No, you misunderstood. The 60's was a social shock to the conservative system. They responded. And you can complain about conservatives (I know I do) but you have to give it to them on the long term planning bit, they got that on lock.

The inability to plan, push, execute and claim to keep society 'left' was a serious flaw. Conservatives had no such problems, they created systems to alter the course of society. The rise of the religious right in the late 60's and 70's influenced the creation of conservative think tanks, for example.

We are seeing the effects of this conservative push-back till this very day.

PS: the generation coming out of the 60' is my parents generation. I find it ironic that a large part of that generation became conservative monsters. They are the very definition of 'pulling up the ladder'. I have seen it up and close this change and I despise that generation of weaklings.

[–] reddwarf 10 points 2 weeks ago (16 children)

No sources from me but speculation. It's the decade before, the 60's where focus was on people, freedom, honest compensation for labor and social equality.

I know I will get push-back on this, it being perhaps to simple of a theory or me missing key elements. I will die on this hill though, it was the hippies.
The conservatives around the world got a collective heart attack from the 60's and what transpired therein and this is when conservatism started to plan on breaking those wild communist activist freeloaders. We can see the effects today still. Mismanagement from the 'left' (or better yet, the world at large tbh) to capitalize on the spirit of the 60' and truly change society. The focus on business and the suppression of those pesky 'hippies' and/or 'communists' started to gain traction and voila, there is the divide of the two lines somewhere in the 70's.

For good measure, I have nothing against the 60' and hippies, just pointing to these as a 'shock to the system' as an explanation for what happened in the 70's and what we see today.


Hi All,

First of all, love this UI for Lemmy and the functionality it brings!
Thanks to all involved!

I have 3 questions regarding Tesseract and perhaps people here can help or explain things.

Is there a way to have the margins disabled in Card view?
Right now I always click that button “Disable margins” to achieve this.
Would be nice to not to have to do the same default action every time.
If I use the view “Wide compact” or “Reader” then the margins disappear automatically.
If the “Card” view would have this option (or generally this offered as an option for any view type) then that would be great.

Comments button does not open in a new tab, clicking on the link of post does open it in a new tab I have the option “Open Posts in New Tab” set to ‘on’.
My expectation would be that any click on a post would open that post in a new tab, comments button included.
Only votes buttons would not show this behaviour as that would not be the expected outcome I think.

When I am in a community (say c/ and click the plus button to add a post, the community field is empty.
I would expect the community field to have “” pre-filled.
You can search by typing in that field but it makes more sense to have it pre-filled if I am already inside a community.


Not sure if this is the right place but lets give it a go.

We have a family account on iCloud so all iPhones (5 of them) can sync items on the phones to their laptops and so forth. One feature that is eating all the storage space we have on iCloud and that would be Photo's. We ran out of space and thus Backups, Photos, Contacts, etc. will not sync anymore. We can add more space in iCloud but I am not keen on keeping buying storage space with Apple.

So my thought was to have all Photo's older then xyz days/months/years stored somewhere else to free up space in that iCloud account. I do not want to delete these older photo's, just have them stored somewhere else but still accessible. So ideally I would be able to tell some app/solution to move photo's from a phone to something self hosted and the user of that phone can then keep seeing the photo's in either the Photos app or the app related to the self hosted solution.

Honestly, even more ideal would be to 'tell' the Photos app from Apple to use the self hosted storage and not the iCloud storage. This would make the transition transparent to all the family members. Some features might no longer work (that 'memories' feature perhaps?) but that is OK, being able to store photo's is more important.

Apologies if this has been asked before but my searching, which is admittedly is not that great from my side, found no answer I could translate to my issue. Any help is appreciated!

FYI, I am running Docker at home and can make services available on the internet with ngnix in front of it as proxy. I can also run a new service of course, the self hosting bit as it were.

Slap-Ass Bros (

That was a subtle yet nice touch (pun intended) to see between these two. Absolutely casual and normal to them. These 2 are real friends.

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