I use Standard Notes
I upgraded. The new screen was worth it to me. But I’m amazed about how quiet it is. With the old one I routinely reduced the wattage to silence the fans but I didn’t feel the need to do it with new one. The battery life increase is nice but was rarely a problem for me.
I sold my old one to offset the cost.
My consideration was that the Steam Deck is my only gaming rig and I use it daily. It was worth the upgrade. If I would use it less like my Nintendo Switch I wouldn’t. My Switch is still the old LCD model.
Did you try S3 sleep?
More info here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate#Changing_suspend_method
It’s totally worth it. I’ve been using Infuse for a few years now and I use it daily on multiple devices (2 Apple TVs, iPhone, iPad and MacBook).
It plays everything reliably. They fix bugs quickly and make regular improvements. The only feature missing is transcoding (in case of bandwidth issues) support - at least on Plex - but since you play local I don’t think that’ll be an issue for you.
Oh that sounds interesting! I can't wait to try it. Thanks!
What does it do?
Can you do a speed test of your zpool?
dd if=/dev/null of=<mount-point>/test.file bs=1G count=10 status=progress