Some guys are named Guy, and some gals are named Gal. I see no reason why a moon can't be named Moon.
50% of the time it works every time
You don't pay for Photoshop because you can't afford it
I don't pay for Photoshop because fuck Adobe
We are not the same
You only feel this way because you're accustomed to Fahrenheit. I grew up with Celsius, and to me that feels like the perfect temperature scale. Fahrenheit feels weird and arbitrary to me.
What if he gets eaten by the working class?
Having productive workers isn't a right. If your company needs productive workers to remain profitable, then pay your employees more so they'll be motivated to work harder. Simple. Don't expect workers to lower their standard of living just for your benefit. That is entitlement of the worst kind.
The most surprising thing I learned from this video is that WebMD still exists
You're right. How can we claim to live in a free society if our children don't even have the right to be exploited?
That's also the default alignment for cops
Ernest Vincent Wright: "Hold my beer"
Just try not to swallow the fly. I've heard if it gets inside you, the only way to get rid of it is to swallow a spider
π = 5 if you round to the nearest 5