
joined 2 years ago
[–] raph55@jlai.lu 14 points 1 day ago
[–] raph55@jlai.lu 1 points 5 months ago

Yeah, I feel the same about delves. I don't care about the content but 616 vault is clearly not balanced if you compare it to the M+ vault.


As a healer M+ are pretty much not fun. Everything can destroy your tank or your team, even if they play pretty well. People still die in 2 seconds even with 60% more life

Just venting, I don't thing I'll play season 2 at the beginning, I'll probably play when the dungeons have been balanced.

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 13 points 8 months ago

I stopped using Firefox for 2-3 years before coming back. FF WAS very buggy, crashing almost every day. I understand why it has a bad reputation.

When I reinstalled FF the bugs were gone, I hope it stays that way.

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 6 points 11 months ago

Le capital à deux doigts de réaliser qu'il faut payer correctement leurs employés, sinon ils consomment moins

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 19 points 1 year ago (2 children)

You can add France in your list.

Our next leader will probably be a fascist, and the root cause is (to some degrees) our current government.

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 1 points 1 year ago

Parfaite mais avec quelques exceptions tout de même !

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Sinon on pourrait discuter de solutions plus innovantes comme supprimer la notion de genre dans la grammaire ?

Les accords au féminin/masculin n'apportent rien à la compréhension des phrases et sont un énorme frein à l'apprentissage de la langue.

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 13 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It looks like Space Exploration but much less tedious !

[–] raph55@jlai.lu 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Je suis pas un expert du tout, mais peut-être que quand les prix sont trop hauts, les gens consomment moins, et cela peut causer un problème de stockage car le carburant est probablement acheminé même si la consommation diminue.

Dans tous les cas ça doit avantager les entreprises comme Total vu que c'est eux qui font le plus de lobbying auprès du gouvernement.