That doesn't narrow it down. At all :-)
That doesn't narrow it down. At all :-)
This is like the PPE contracts in the UK during COVID. Don't the people realise they're being robbed in broad daylight?
This isn't a Linux meme
What a terrible, terrible shame.
Logs in to bank to see how much he can afford
'that's too much proof'
I've neither said nor implied that.
my information about the news from the news
Interesting that you're looking for information about the news rather than information about the government.
The things I said are happening
I disagree.
The sources more than prove this.
I disagree.
I actually have a folder of saved tabs called 'good things Labour are doing
Ah! So basically it's just news articles on websites that have convinced you.
Are they doing the things I've said they are doing? Yes.
I disagree.
I'm not especially keen on googling things for you
For me? Wow. There was me thinking that providing well-sourced opinions was for the benefit of the writer in their not being dismissed out of hand.
publicly available information
Firstly, a majority of these links are to the same story reported in different publications. They give the impression that you searched the web for something like "labour green transition" and then copied all the URLs as links. I didn't ask for help searching the web.
Secondly, none of the articles are about anything Labour has actually achieved, only what they say they'd like to do, are planning to do, or have done only as a result of procedures that were already in place when they took power. If these links are all you have then you have nothing convincing.
You've given me a list of nice-sounding ideas but no references whatsoever to demonstrate that what you're saying is true. What has made you think that these things are happening?
and we are
Really? What makes you say that?