Mastodon toimii ihan selaimella linkkejä seuraamalla kirjautumatta. Kyllä kansalaiset löytää ,,, -sivuille vaikkeivat "siellä olekaan".
- Disputes can be brought to tribunal
- Everyone of full age and sound mind gets a vote
- Previous tribunal decisions can be applied without voting again if the dispute is similar enough
Basically some sort of democratic case law
"I was told ... the last few were amazing"
Because the writer changed?
I will probably never catch up with the current writing of the Wandering Inn, but I can always read a few chapters here and there. It's quite easy for me to put down and pick up in between other reading. Reading on Kindle probably makes it easier
The last three because Brandon Sanderson wrote them?
Will the components still come from China?
First insight: 42 key points of the secret #EUGoingDark surveillance plan for the new EU Commission
Electricity vs. energy. Electricity is only part of energy.
No nyt on android-sovelluskin
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