You been watching Station Eleven?
Motorcycle gear, much easier to get hold of. Kevlar reinforced, better mobility and riot gear isn't designed for the types of hazards that zombies pose anyway i.e. thrown objects and weapons.
Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating on the "every episode" but you're still going to need at least three actors to play the main character, plus intermediate appearances as they transform which lasts an episode or more.
It's definitely a significant additional problem that you just don't have to deal with if you start with one of the other books.
The other challenge if you are thinking about doing multiple books and you start with Phlebas is that the Culture are the baddies. You spend a (most) of a series presenting them as such and then flip.
Someone made the point previously about Disney owning Muppets now and doing live action adaptations of all the animated films when they have the opportunity to do muppet versions instead.
Although I would absolutely want more farscape.
TV limited series adaptations of The Culture novels. Amazon obviously made a start before giving up but they picked absolutely the wrong one to start with.
Yes Consider Phlebus is the first chronologically but a TV series where you have to replace the main character every episode does not work when you are already trying to adapt a very difficult IP.
Player of Games is where you want to begin. Clear storyline, no tricky time/universe/world jumps. Spends most of the time in an Earth-esque civilization. If you can successfully adapt PoG then you can try something more challenging like Phlebus or Use of Weapons.
How did the first astronauts get inside?
Earliest native digital images looks like 2003
I've got the entire catalogue from the Royal photographic society 1870-1915 saved left over from my PhD. But the earliest of those are scans-of-sketches-of-photos because they pre-date the technology to easily duplicate photographs.
Anyone know if anything like this is allowed in the UK?
When you say it doesn't work in Firefox, does it not work in Firefox or does it say it doesn't work in Firefox? In the later case and sometimes in both, I have found that just changing the user agent string to something chrome based is sufficient to get it working again.
Not the first time. 80107, if you press the bull's hole it lights up.
It is and has a Wikipedia subplot hence why I raise it. I also understand why no-one watched it in 2021. I certainly was not in the right mental space then.