
joined 2 years ago
[–] polakkenak@feddit.dk 25 points 1 day ago (2 children)

The technology of VPN works great for circumventing censorship. VPN can be blocked, but it's a game of whack a mole between the state and private actors. The main vulnerability in hosted VPN is that the provider has the ability to sell you out if law enforcement comes knocking. Picking a trusted provider is key. Alternatively, there's TOR but that isn't perfect either, as anyone may participate in the network.

[–] polakkenak@feddit.dk 1 points 1 month ago

Using a SATA cage is a really interesting suggestion, since it can likely be used to expand the capabilities of the HM90.

The Rosewill cage will be difficult to source in Europe, but I think that putting some swappable bays into an internal drive enclosure should fit with a printed adapter into the 10" rack.

I'll do some more digging on this direction. Thank you for the suggestion!


I'm looking for options to replace my 2-bay DS214play after 10 years of service and I'm looking for recommendations on what direction to go. My main reason for retiring the NAS is that the OS will see no further updates from Synology, and not much will run on i386 architecture.

I run truenas + docker on a NUC-like HM90 mini-pc which is attached to the NAS for storage and this has been working well for the past ~2 years.

I figure that my options are to either continue using the mini-pc with a form of "dumb" network storage, or replace both systems with something that can handle both workloads.

I've considered building my own SFF PC instead of buying a new NAS (as this would have better upgrade paths), but I haven't been able to find anything with space for HDD which will also fit in the 10" cabinet that both of the above systems currently share.

The new NAS lineup from ugreen (DXP2800/DXP4800) seems like reasonable options, but I'm wondering if there's other options I should consider instead, as these models will only barely fit on the cabinet shelf (250Hx210Wx250D).

[–] polakkenak@feddit.dk 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Den egentligt nyhed er, at Nets har pålagt bankerne at tilbyde dankort på mobilen. https://nyheder.tv2.dk/business/2024-11-19-dankortet-faar-nyt-liv-paa-telefonen-det-er-billigere-for-os-alle-sammen

Det er en velkommen nyhed for mig, da det hjælper med at reducere omkostningerne for butikkerne. Vi ser nok ikke en nedjustering af priserne på baggrund af det, men det kan være med til at holde flere prisstigninger fra døren, særligt blandt mindre butikker.

[–] polakkenak@feddit.dk 16 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The thing with XHTML is that even a minor problem will make the page refuse to render and display a full page error message instead of any content. Having the browser guess how to handle the malformed HTML isn't ideal, but it's a lot better than showing nothing at all.


Min bedre halvdel og jeg er kommet i en situation hvor vi (ufrivilligt) efterlader en kuffert i udlandet og (forhåbentligt) får den sendt til Danmark som pakke, og vi er ikke helt sikre på hvad vi skal forvente med hensyn til told og import af pakken.

Den korte udgave af historien er, at vi sendte en kuffert (fyldt med souvenirs: spil, figurer, nøgleringe, bamser) til Okinawa tidligt på bryllupsrejsen, så vi ikke skulle slæbe rundt på den til de øvrige destinationer.

Der blev senere udstedt varsel om tyfon på Okinawa og vi bestemte os derfor for, at ændre vores rejseplaner for ikke at placere os selv i en usikker situation.

Vi har heldigvis fået kontakt med en bekendt, der studerer her i Japan, som har indvilliget i at hjælpe med at sende kufferten til Danmark, men hvad er reglerne egentligt omkring indførsel af dine egne ting fra udlandet med post?

Skat oplyser nogle tal for ting du fysisk har med, når du lander i lufthavnen men skriver også.

Reglerne gælder kun for varer, du fysisk har med dig, og ikke for varer, du fx sender med post.

Vi har som udgangspunkt tænkt os at udfylde en customs declaration med angivelse af kuffertens indhold og værdi, men hvad er reglerne egentligt på området? Kan de i teorien fortolde sure underbukser? 😁