I think camera icon there at the top is to represent the video not camrips, because they specificly say DVDs under the supliers. Scene has not done many camrips in fact looking at predb here https://predb.me/?search=camrip only 2 shown 2003/2011. At the top is SCENE at the bottom is P2P.
Officially scene does not like P2P, unofficially however many scene members are themselfs from P2P and upload to P2P. Especially those at the top of the scene like top sites ops. But most leaks from the scene are done from couriers those who fxp releases from server to server.
Also for those who don't know, demo scene to the scene members is like defcon to hackers. This is the time they can all be in public. Most if not all demo scene people are some way connected to the scene or even run there own groups. There are many examples of such groups. Just look at some scene notices.
Yeah, you'll be suprised on how many people don't know about this. Let's hope this information gets more attention. And you haven't used irc for 20 years check out some xdcc channels they are very active.
Yes and ebooks and music too. Most channels also allow !subscribe so you get auto download of new releases once they pre in channel. But you need to stay logged in for that.
There are alos good #pre
channels on scenep2p and rizon servers if you prefer your predb in irc. And there are many more servers/channels you can find at https://opentrackers.org/links/warez-scene/
Especially when there are thousands of people using same vpn and shared ip. Plausible deniability sky rockets 1,000%+ This is why it is a good idea to use well established vpn with many users than hosting your own vpn on own server.
This is fictional of course, but you'll be suprised on how accurate this is ^_^
IRC/XDCC/FTP was never old, it was always relavent to those who always used it. This options is as good and/or better than torrents/usenet. But whatever you choose chances are you will find what you are looking for.
There are actually many workprints on archive site. Just search for "workprint" and select "movies" as media type. You'll be suprised.
No I do not. What exactly are you trying to automate?