Round Disc confirmed?
They are just program names. Some of them make clear sense, some less so.
yay is Yet Another Yogurt. Which is a pun on yaourt, the program it was based on.
That 2000 IQ king sacrifice gambit.
For some reason that doesn't come up as much as you might think.
Even then it's not for certain. If their politics is grounded in hatred rather than self-interest they have no reason to stop as long as the outgroups can be punished as well.
You can move self-interest to mutualism more easily than you can move hate to compassion.
This is what guys do instead of friendship. You can bet if cook isn't there one week BF is going to go do a wellness check.
Are we entirely sure it's not just an ornament? I've got all kinds of things that aren't even ritual objects.
And as AI monsters go, it's far from the worst. Barely even a monster.
Third Dutch-style roundabout, or Fourth Glorious Revolution?
Scum practice by a scum company. Nothing of value is lost by not going there.
I don't even think this is top 5 worst things they've done.
They also believe you only get into heaven if you are free of sin. Make of that what you will.