I’m still not quite sure..
I had to Google it to find out what it even is.
Ah Ja, interessant artikel over gelezen in het nrc een tijd geleden. Ik moest er ook aan denken door die .tk domeinnamen.
That is amazing! Someone put a lot of effort into that.
Triest gebeuren..
Het product (ereader) was net wat te goedkoop voor een vrij nieuw model, het zou gaan om "zakelijk aangeschaft maar niks voor mij" terwijl de seal er nog om zat, en het bedrag moest overgemaakt worden op een bedrijfsmatig Rabo IBAN nummer met spaties tussen de getallen, op naam van Global Fashion by R&R B.V. De verkoper stond op marktplaats ingeschreven in Friesland terwijl dit bedrijf in Amsterdam zat en nu permanent gesloten is, en een ander bedrijf met dezelfde naam in Zeeland zit. De reviews op marktplaats waren wel grotendeels positief, waardoor ik in eerste instantie toch even twijfelde.
Now I’m curious which scene you’re talking about. The storyline in my opinion was a bit shallow and at times cringy, but not sickening.
Thanks for the review! Was looking for some nice 2P games for the summer holidays!
I would normally refer to Reddit, where I found my base recipe as well.. but we are now on lemmy!
- Make strong black tea, dissolve 70g cane sugar per liter. I think some people use less sugar maybe.
- when cool, add to scoby from previous batch in large container with access to air through a cloth (prevents insects etc from getting in)
- ferment for 1-2 weeks depending on temperature and desired tartness. This is F1
- make syrup with fruits, sugar, water and strain or take some fruit juice
- add to bottle that can withstand pressure (flip top bottles from Grolsch work well). Fill up with F1 kombucha. I think I use more or less 1:6 ratio of syrup:kombucha. Make sure to fill the bottle almost completely.
- Ferment for another few days (I did 4 days now) in closed container to build carbonation. This is F2
- refrigerate and enjoy
It is indeed fairly easy. To get started you just need a scoby from someone or you could buy it online through Amazon or a local marketplace (there is a local community on Facebook in my country that allows users to share scobys).
With respect to recipes, there are many to be found online. Maybe this helps a bit? This is how I do it myself.
Good luck!