
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The thing I’ve never understood is even just looking at Google, they’ve killed so many products when they could have monetised them better with a little thought.

Instead, we have a phone thats useless for music unless you subscribe, photo storage is headed the same way and its whole ‘smart’ eco system has been ruined because of shareholder greed!

Except if Google pulled there head out there arse and built a platform people wanted to use, they’d likely make more money than they’re making now. Yet they clearly don’t get it and think ‘cloud’ solves everything!

Sadly Apple knows it has no competition so they’re just screwing with anything that they can and claim it’s ‘revolutionary’ so they can re-sell the same devices and while home assistant works ok for those of us who like tinkering, it’s a long way from being user friendly. Never mind the lack of anything smart, like speakers, displays, that work out the box.

It’s just sad to see so much potential being ruined because of seemingly clueless companies!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Except its not free. This is the lie no-one seems to understand.

Every product you buy has a % set aside for marketing. No company is sitting there thinking “oh look, free money just fell from the sky. Lets advertise so more people can have free stuff” or “oh, profits are up, lets put all those profits into advertising so people get even more free stuff”

But people don’t see seem to understand that no-one in advertising has an unlimited hole of cash they dip into to pay to advertise on sites so they can browse the site for free, you pay for reddit, etc every time you buy products!

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Tbh it’s not that hard to stop scams. Treat EVERY call you get as a scammer!

Either phone back on a known number, not some shit they give you or if they claim you need bail, ask for a reference number and the place being held and phone them after looking up the number, and If they get pissed, it’s a scam!

No real police force is going to care/shouldn’t care if you call back. It’s not like cops get a percentage of bail money but scammers always seem too desperate to get you to pay and lose it pretty quick.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

And? Sometimes tough choices have to be made to stand up for the greater good!

If devs realise people don’t want to support unity, and enough people vote with there wallets, they move to something else. Yes it might suck for some devs who can’t/won’t move but then thats there choice, just like it’s my choice to say screw unity!

Years ago people fought wars for this thing called ‘freedom’ but then come technology and it’s now seems a thing of legends only a select few have! 😳😎

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

All I want is a way to sell my ISK to recover some of the £k’s I wasted in that game. 😳

My jump freighter was lost and every year it was more of a grind to cover losses and just wasn’t fun anymore which is really the biggest problem! Nerf’s made ships bland and anything unique was nerfed so it was no longer unique… and now so much has changed there’s just too much hassle to figure things out! 😞

And it’s not like I can afford the electric to run a gaming pc these days anyway! 🤦‍♂️

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

People still play eve?

I can’t remember how much isk I have on my accounts but I’ve no interest in playing again but I guess I should do something with it. Maybe I can buy a few capitals and go on suicide mission to burn it all.

Kinda sad you can’t just trade it to get some of the £1k’s spent over the years. 😞

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So what is the game made in?

I’m not a huge gamer anyway, but I’m not buying anymore games unless they’re made using Open Source tools!

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is the problem!

Yes, i’m sure it’s a lot of work to move game engines but time and time again it’s the same story. Closed source anything is free until the easy money has been sucked up so why even bother with anything closed source?

Sooner society stops feeding the greed, hopefully the sooner we get back to a sustainable society!

Sadly i’m not sure it’ll happen in my life! 😞

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

And bonus, the replacement is probably on lower wages so we’ll recoup that in no time! - Rich Idiot/Directors 🙄

The world really needs an uprising! 😡

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Getting tired of all these news articles now.

Someone wake me up when everyone else wakes up and decides enough is enough because clearly the news isn’t doing jack shit to stop it but people uniting and sticking together to fight all this crap before its too late!

Just imagine how bad it’ll get when governments have robots that can be programmed to kill its own citizens instead of relying on humans with emotions§ to do the dirty work but hopefully I’ll be long gone by then! 😞

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

You too can make games with loot boxes you buy just by looking at them! 🤦‍♂️😞

What could possibly go wrong? Apart from losing all your money to some really shitty scam because people really need to stop classing them as games!

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

I’d prefer to see everyone joining up and striking.

Wages haven’t really gone up in years so they might give a little to a few workers now, but they’ll soon take it back at some point either through worse working conditions, or just plain ole sacking and hiring cheaper labour.

Sooner everyone gets together and truely fight for better wages, working conditions, etc. Sadly I doubt I’ll see anything improve in my lifetime! 😞

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