Canadian here - all the way over on the west coast in Vancouver. The air is yellow with smoke as the province and a lot of northwestern Canada burns down, but things could be worse.
joined 2 years ago
Haha thanks, now if only Dolphin would actually keep the drives in alphabetical order without me having to manually rearrange them! But maybe that's on me for not figuring out the mount order before naming everything...
Thanks for this (and for all the trouble you went through to look into it!). My drive headers were still using LUKS1 for some reason, so I booted up a live image, converted the headers to LUKS2, rebooted, and Dolphin didn't care. All the tabs still show Xx T/GiB Encrypted Drive, even though luksDump shows they all have lovely LUKS2 headers, and lsblk shows the drives show up with the expected names.
I'm glad to hear that you found a fix at some point, so I'll keep searching. I really appreciate your help!
Opti-Rinse is awesome, and is made in Québec. You can buy direct from Oral Science at their boutique site: That's where I buy mine.