Clickbait title, and then partial summary for more clickbait? OP, could you please update the summary?
I remain unimpressed by CNN reporters because he has not asked the most important question: What will guarantee Russia's adherence to any kind of peace deal?
It's boring to repost it the Nth time but the 1994 Budapest Memorandum was quite clear about these matters:
- Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders
- Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories...
- Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest...
- Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
Yet, putin kicked nearly every single point in the memorandum the moment he felt ready. Why would the same leader act differently in the future?
It's eerily similar in my view to the Abraham accords. Trump negotiated bypassing Palestinians and then we got Oct 7 and the war that spiraled from it. These "deals" are as flimsy as a CyberTruck, but it's also very trumpy. He gets to act like a peacemaker and then his successor will deal with the consequent shit. Same thing happened in Afghanistan.
*edit: also, if someone wants to be "fair" (i'd rather say naive) one can consider the official Russian narrative, but again that narrative explicitly goes against the Budapest Memorandum, meaning, they are very open about not respecting treaties they sign.
investigations into crimes against the financial infrastructure of the United States.
this cracked me up.
holy shit.... i suspect ET will get himself killed within the next few years
of course. they do it because people are insecure.
The NIH used to have an electric outlet with a large sign saying EV charging:D Spending 60 hours on a 1KW trickle charge on the guvmint's dime is awesome!
Full-scale cognitive batteries (sophisticated IQ tests) are great... for diagnostics. If someone has difficulties identifying the domains where the need extra help, accommodations. I order them all the time and they guide me on how to manage patients. The most telling thing about IQs is that I've never seen it in on a resume, not even mensa memberships.
he'll just run the poll on X and his narcissistic injury is healed.
What I recall from my studies is that ODD is generally considered a children's behavior disorder that can mature into Antisocial Personality Disorder. So you definitely aren't wrong, a party that has policies against social benefit is a party geared towards antisocials.
a lot of people are simply contrarians who make responses (or even vote) out of spite, not logic.
Canada NEEDS to replace political-parties with something intelligent, honest, and responsible!
you missed the "/s"
The point I was making is that you can't make lasting peace through flimsy one-sided negotiations, but the trump brand of peacemaking is about quick "results" with single-presidential-term durability that solves very little on the long run, just pushes the problems to the next presidential term (which may be his own this time...).
Your comparison of Hamas and Russia doesn't only lack nuance but blatantly ignores crucial geopolitical differences in worldwide influence, military might, and general motivations, which are all totally beside the point of the present discussion.