Being in the same location at the same time certainly seems like it'd make organizing and meeting with union reps easier. And with more motivation to do so due to crappier working conditions. I'd say it's more likely the remainder will unionize, yeah. And then have the union push for WFH.
Both li-ion and lithium polymer batteries still have many kilograms of lithium. A lithium-ion battery pack for a single electric car contains about 8 kilograms (kg) of lithium, according to figures from US Department of Energy science and engineering research centre Argonne National Laboratory. It may be a small percentage of the total battery pack and coolant weight, but it's still a lot of extremely explosive metal.
Fun fact: most gasoline car fires are started by electrical issues. Mechanical fuel pumps died out with the carburetor, just about every car made has hot wires going to the gas tank. The conflagration is completely fueled by gasoline though. Diesel is pretty hard to ignite, you can toss a burning match into a pool of diesel and the match will go out. But once ignited it'll burn like a champ.
What's worse is the login page re-directs to a home page, wiping out the comment I was making and navigating away from the thread I was browsing. I could deal with it if it expired my logins once a week or so (although reddit kept me logged in so long as I kept interacting daily), but multiple times a day is infuriating.
Thermodynamics question: do you think it is more or less efficient to burn coal or natural gas, use that heat to boil water to turn a turbine, generate enough of a surplus to avoid brownouts and blackouts, transmit that power over long distance, radiating energy the entire way and losing more at every transformer power station eventually using energy to boil a pot of water...
Or to burn gas to boil a pot of water directly.
I own stock of energy producers and transporters in my 401k, so I'm extremely glad those in power get this question wrong. But I also know that wrongness has a cost.
And before you say "solar" please realize capacity does not equal production. Germany is on the forefront of renewable energy, and generates 10.4% of power from solar compared to 20.1% from lignite, the dirtiest possible coal. Hard coal, natural gas and lignite add up to 11.3 + 13.3 + 20.1 = 44.6%. United states has solar at 3.93% of our energy mix, with 37.82% generated from natural gas.
Atheism is no more a religion than a lack of a Ferrari is a Ferrari. That's the best way I know of to explain the concept.
Not to mention needing capital for the land, equipment, seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, fuel, power, storage, transportation and uncountable other misc with a price tag. Starting with trained doctors and on to even more narrow specialists.
Then it should be an objective test. Familiarity with current events, geography, physics, calculus, micro and macro economics. Final exam of 101 courses would be sufficient. 80% or higher and you get to take office, otherwise the next highest voted politician gets a shot at it.
A board of representatives from the 10 largest public colleges gets to write, administer and grade the test.
I also see nothing about billing the parents of both parties for police time and other resources used.
Google has turned evil. Back to Microsoft, everyone!
X-creting, not posting. Or would that be xitting (pronounced 'zitting').
This is the plan, but it's always a bad one. The people hopping jobs are the top performers, ones with marketable resumes that get snapped up even in a weak market. The ones forced to remain either feel less marketable or are less marketable for a number of reasons.
It's extreme short term thinking that leads to both morale and performance issues sooner than leadership expects.