
joined 2 years ago
[–] 12 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

I was going to say heavy water, but TIL that it's not just chonky water. It can be toxic.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Well... Do you really think you'd do any better at incrementing geese?

[–] 1 points 4 days ago


I loved that so much was not explained, especially about the monsters.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

For me the diagnosis was very clarifying. The analogy I have been using when trying to explain it is that before the diagnosis I was looking for advice/knowledge/solutions in a 360 degree circle. That's a lot stuff to search through. But the diagnose narrowed my search to a much smaller angle, which means a lot less stuff to search through.

I don't know if you're a programmer, I am, and I believe my mind uses a breadth-first algorithm. Which quickly becomes a problem, unless I narrow down the search space. My diagnosis did that.

If you see some resemblance to yourself in this, waiting to start your research might make sense.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (3 children)

If I were in your place, I would get a smaller test-fermenter and try small batches with part of the barley being the non-malted feed. Start small and then increase the proportion until something breaks.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I do selfhost everything I can, but have chosen not to do that with my passwords. It feels to much all-eggs-in-one-basket-y.

1Password also holds my SSH keys and acts as an ssh-agent on most systems, and I also just found out that you can get secrets from your 1Password vault in Python, which means my PyInfra scripts can use it as well.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I pay for a 1Password family account. I like it.

Getting the family to use it is hard, but that would be the case with any password manager.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Jeg er sikker på den gemmer sig i en fodgængerovergang.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Smoke-rings 2.0 :D

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Tænker klart det er nu Flohmarkt begynder at shine :)

Der er allerede en dansk instance:

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Et andet nedslag i Brugervilkårene:

Når Sælger accepterer tilbuddet første gang, bliver Sælger bedt om at verificere sin identitet (uanset om Sælger allerede har verificeret sin Schibsted-konto) ved elektronisk autentifikation (eID) via Signicat eller en anden verificeringsmetode, som tilbydes via DBA. Sælger bliver også bedt om at verificere sin betalingskonto i Tink, hvor Sælger logger ind på sin bank og vælger den konto, som pengene skal overføres til. Bankkontoen skal have et IBAN-nummer. DBA forbeholder sig retten til at bede Sælger om igen at verificere sin identitet og bankkonto for at forebygge og forhindre svindel.

Sælger kan også blive bedt om at give yderligere oplysninger efter Adyens anmodning for at opfylde gældende lovgivning.

Tre firmaer, udover DBA og Schibsted, der skal gøres tilfredse før man kan sige ja til et tilbud.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Oh, wow! Det havde jeg slet ikke set.

I brugervilkårene står der at buddet er aktivt i 48 timer, men ikke hvor længe pengene er reserveret.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

I recently bought a Wireless Android Auto box for my car which only had Wired Android Auto before. It works perfectly when I'm driving. That part I'm very happy about, coupled with a wireless charger/holder it's easy and convenient.

What's not so good is that whenever my car wakes up to charge the 12V battery (my car is an EV) the Wireless Auto box wakes as well and my phone tries to connect to it. Last night I was talking to my mother on the phone in my living room and suddenly the call was transferred to my car outside.

I'm recently moved from IOS to Android, so I'm unsure what the best way to remedy this is. I've thought about a few possible solutions:

  • Use Tasker to shut off Android Auto when I'm at home with geofencing or Wifi network (Don't know if this is possible)
  • Unplug the Wireless Auto box when I park at home (Not ideal)
  • Make a physical switch that connects/disconnect the Wireless Auto box depending on whether someone is sitting in the front seat (Seems like a loot of work)
  • Ask here to get an instant reply with the one setting on my phone I need to toggle to fix this (I do hope this is the one :) )

Have any of you had the same problem, and if so, how did you fix it?

Technical details: Pixel 8 Pro running GrapheneOS. Car is a Hyundai Kona 2020.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Update: Vi ringede og snakkede med en supporter og fandt ud af hvad problemet var. Det viser sig at mens man venter de 7-10 dage må man ikke være logget ind nogen steder. Så mobilen skal være slukket i hele intervallet. et fuldstændig vanvittigt hul man kan havne i. 7-10 dage uden at kunne ringe, blive ringet til, modtage SMSer, bruge 2-faktor logins (inklusiv MitID!). Det virkede ikke til at supporteren forstod alvoren af det, men på den anden side er det jo heller ikke ham der kan gøre noget ved det.

Jeg prøver at hjælpe et barn og hans mor med at få lavet et nyt kodeord til barnets Apple konto. Barnet er logget ind på iPhonen, men ingen kan huske kodeordet til kontoen.

Vi har to gange prøvet at køre flowet for at få lavet en ny adgangskode igennem og det ender med en email om at der 7-10 dage senere vil blive sendt en SMS eller ringet til morens telefonnummer. Men begge gange er der ikke sket noget. Ingen SMS, ingen opkald.

Barnet er "barn" i moderens Apple Family.

Er der nogen af jer der har været det samme igennem?

Barnets Apple konto er ikke specielt vigtigt, bare en @icloud email, men uden kodeordet er mobilen låst til den nuværende konto, så vidt jeg ved.

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