
joined 2 years ago
[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 42 points 2 months ago (13 children)

Was the "9th" season noone likes talking about , premiered a year after the proper finaly . The plot was that the hospital was torn down and they built a training hospital thir , and the main cast partially came back to act as teachers or some shit , I think we all mostly blocked it out . It ended that season and noone wanted it back. They had a proper ending to the show and then shat all over it , so most fans will say it ended at 8. And fuck was it a good ending.

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 30 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think thats because most informed people realize , evin if they cut out every ounce of carbon we emit our whole lives , the moderate to ultra rich , but particularly the ultra rich , are producing well over 50% of the c02 , methane, butatane, and other greenhouse gasses like its their sole purpose in life to fuck over the poor.

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Don't forget the next great pandemic . This time with less chicken and pork.... mabe beef too. Tbh probably alot of other goods.

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Just wait till they ban porn ! A whole generation of incel men unable to realy get around the internet, and having just visibly betrayed their generations women , no sex and no porn and all on the republican government.... the Republicans are literally putting targets on their heads with a generation they have convinced the only way to get what you want is violence . It's going the be January 6th but much much more French revelutionary .and they will deserve it. They can't just mind their own business. Nosey judgmental litttle bastards.

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I mean, if a state like California starts throwing its full weight around , I could see them leaving major populace states alone , particularly ones with major ports that could be levied as ways to force the federal government out of our business. All it would take us a few months of taxes on ports to suport our governments to get them in line , if the complain , well Alaska has taxes on every barrel of oil pulled to fund their populace , wouldent be much difrent. I mean if were gunna have a battle over states rights , CA will be pedantic and petty as they can. Its a double edged sword. Mind you I know if shit goes realy down , it won't mater , but I'm still unsure they know what a can of worms starting a full civil war would mean .

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago (6 children)

I mean..... we ignore them on weed ? And sanctuary cities ? Why not on climate change too ?

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Personaly , I think Elon may have given them the info in exchange for continuing sales of tesla in China, and that may be why he's backing Trump so hard, just a personal theory though. Same thing with his relationship with putin and the starlink availability in Russia and "mysterious" terminals being found in Russian bunkers around Ukraine.

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

Brave Josh Hawley ran away. Bravely ran away away. When rioters reared their ugly heads, He bravely turned his tail & fled. Yes, brave Josh Hawley turned about & gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, J. Hawley!

[–] nhickz@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

So this is the high speed rail projects live map of current construction


Tbh its a long haul project, building new rail lines requires buying up the land , and in California its not cheap at all . Luckely the central vally line mostly follows old rail lines , but the conection from merced to sf needs to be bought up in large parts , but caltran has been electrified, a large step to have sf ready for the trains. The L.A section is not realy being worked on yet , initial service is set to be from Bakersfield to merced .