That makes sense. I’m also involved in localization efforts. In niche cases, it’s paid off to work with the clients directly on that. You get you a good balance between correctness and day-to-day usefulness.
Since ladder is mostly diagram-based it almost doesn’t need to be localized and isn’t jarring when you use non-English variable and function names with English keywords.
Apart from being strictly left-to-right.
If he worked in Germany, did he use English or German mnemonics?
If he worked in Germany, did he use English or German mnemonics?
Industrial controls equipment made by German companies can be programmed in English or German. You can also switch languages (German/English) at any time and the IDE switches over all the keywords.
Shared with my favorite blind iOS dev. Should be a good laugh!
I also can’t get the printer to work.
OK, tiling window managers are neat and so are TUIs, but web pages are also supposed to work with keyboard only. On Windows, F6 will jump between different panels in an application - give that a try.
The key you’re talking about is the menu key, by the way.
Using a modern OS and the modern web with the keyboard only is essentially a solved problem, not only motivated by efficiency, but also to allow access to people with motor disabilities.
Coming at this from an accessibility… is there any reason the tab, arrow, scape, escape and enter keys would not suffice?
Is it about efficiency? Are Linux GUI apps not expected to be keyboard-only accessible by default?
I adore Rider for work, but have found myself preferring VS Code for personal contributions, myself because it’s lighter.
I’m curious about your opinion though: why would you only use them in a corporate environment, assuming the scope of projects is equivalent?