
joined 3 weeks ago

Internet Archive en-EU de-DE

Codeberg Service Status

Slight modifications were made, in order to create more clarity, the date notation 2025-02-13 was added to the lines lacking them, and some slight formatting differences, that is all.

Note that by now, the announcement below no longer displays on the Status Page anymore.

Network-level DDoS

Situation as of 2025-02-14, 23:56 UTC: Connectivity via IPv4 is stable again. All traffic to Codeberg is now behind a DDoS mitigation system, pending DNS propagation. More information on the DDoS mitigation system.

Situation as of 2025-02-14, 21:40 UTC: We are currently suffering from another network-level DDoS attack, connectivity via IPv4 is impacted. If you are able to use IPv6 you should be able to have good connectivity to Codeberg.

Situation as of 2025-02-14, 07:33 UTC: SSH access via IPv4 has been fixed and all systems should be fully available. It was previously unavailable due to a configuration mistake in the firewall, which was overlooked at the time of setting it up because DNS propagation delay has made the tests run on another host. We are still monitoring closely.

Situaton as of 2025-02-13, 23:20 UTC: Email delivery has been restored a few hours ago (also see the announcement on Mastodon for details about this decision). We dropped most email that was generated today. If you require someone's attention, please ping them again. If you tried to register, please sign in and re-send your activation email (or re-register your account in case it was pruned due to the pending activation). The situation is mostly stable, except for occassional hiccups that seem to originate from the typical abusive AI crawling. Due to the current workarounds in place (to protect against DDoS), our normal abuse detection for AI crawling doesn't work very well.

Situation as of 2025-02-13, 18:12 UTC: IPv6 connectivity was restored a while ago. IPv4 now also works after we discovered a configuration issue that lead to increased false positive rates in our rate-limiting. Email delivery was still impacted.

Situation as of 2025-02-13, 13:56 UTC: We have added multiple servers to DNS entries. If you are lucky, you can use Codeberg just fine, depending on which machine is currently under attack. We are still investigating.

We have been suffering from a network-level DoS that currently takes up all bandwidth available to our server. We are currently investigating potential workarounds to route traffic and restore connectivity.

Status Notification Date Created: 2025-02-13 10:55:07

Status Notification Last Updated: 2025-02-15 00:28:30


Codeberg: spam en DDoS-aanvallen op niet-commercieel ontwikkelingsplatform.

De originele post is het Duits, later hebben ze een Engelse versie gemaakt, waarvan je de vertaling hieronder kan vinden.

Massa's aan spamberichten, overvolle E-mailinboxen en verstopte internetlijnen: anonieme aanvallen op het non-profit GitHub-alternatief.

Aanvallers werken zich een weg door een berg van code en proberen het open platform te verlammen.

(Afbeelding: Erstellt Durch Ki Mit Bing Designer / CKU)

Om 16:06 CET/UTC+1

Door Dr. Christopher Kunz

Het non-profit softwareontwikkelingsplatform Codeberg staat al dagen centraal in verschillende aanvallen. De vrijwillige initiatiefnemers van het project vermoeden een politieke motivatie achter haatberichten, spam en DDoS aanvallen.

Een paar dagen geleden, rond 10 februari, begon de aanvallen op Codeberg e.V. met spamcampagnes tegen individuele projecten op het platform. Hun bug -trackers werden bijvoorbeeld overspoeld met onzinnige foutmeldingen. Bovendien waren de E-mailaccounts van leden van de vereniging gevuld met beledigende nieuwsbriefregistraties.

Racistische berichten in de mailbox

Op de ochtend van 12 februari volgde de volgende stap: de onbekende aanvallers creëerden duizenden problemen (dwz foutmeldingen) met een vulgaire racistische term in de titel, gekoppelde gebruikersaccounts daar en gegenereerde dus massale E-mailmeldingen. De herrieschoppers hebben hun aanpak meerdere keren veranderd om in de tussentijd door Codeberg te ontsnappen door de tegenmaatregelen die door Codeberg zijn genomen.

Sinds de middag op 13 februari verstopt een volumetrische Denial-of-Service aanval de internetverbinding van de club en veroorzaakt herhaalde verbindingsproblemen.

Geen gebruikersgegevens gestolen

In hun blog (archieflink) leggen de Codeberg makers uit dat er geen persoonlijke gegevens van gebruikers of repository-beheerders werden aangeboord. Hoewel massa's spam E-mails met aanstootgevende inhoud naar leden van het platform werden verzonden via een meldingsfunctie, hadden de aanvallers geen toegang tot de E-mailadressen van de servers of gebruikers. Een woordvoerder van Codeberg benadrukte dit opnieuw op Heise Security.

Codeberg werd gelanceerd als een Europees alternatief voor de belangrijkste platforms voor softwareontwikkeling zoals GitHub of GitLab en is gebaseerd op Forgejo, wat een fork is van Gitea. De vereniging wordt gefinancierd door donaties.


Codeberg: Spam and DDoS attacks on non-commercial development platform.

The original post is in German, but they also created an English variant, which you can also find here below.

Masses of spam messages, overflowing email inboxes and clogged internet lines: Anonymous attacks plague the non-profit Github alternative.

Attackers are working their way through a mountain of code and trying to paralyze the open platform.

(Image: Erstellt durch KI mit Bing Designer / CKU)

At 16:06 CET/UTC+1

By Dr. Christopher Kunz

The non-profit software development platform Codeberg has been at the center of various attacks for days. The voluntary initiators of the project suspect a political motivation behind hate messages, spam and DDoS.

A few days ago, around February 10, the attacks against Codeberg e.V. began with spam campaigns against individual projects on the platform. Their bug trackers, for example, were flooded with nonsensical error messages. In addition, the email accounts of association members were filled with abusive newsletter registrations.

Racist messages in the mailbox

On the morning of February 12, the next step followed: the unknown attackers created thousands of issues (i.e., error messages) with a vulgar racist term in the title, linked user accounts there and thus generated mass email notifications. The troublemakers changed their approach several times to escape the countermeasures taken by Codeberg in the meantime.

Since midday on February 13, a volumetric denial-of-service attack has been clogging up the club's internet connection and causing repeated connection problems.

No user data stolen

In their blog entry (archive link), the Codeberg makers explain that no personal data of users or repository administrators was tapped. Although masses of spam emails with offensive content were sent to members of the platform via a notification function, the attackers did not have access to the servers or users' email addresses. A Codeberg spokesperson emphasized this once again to heise security.

Codeberg was launched as a European alternative to the major software development platforms such as GitHub or GItlab and is based on Forgejo, a fork of Gitea. The association is financed by donations. ##

Ignore this test post. (self.volteuropa)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by navia to c/

Ignore this test post.

Post is for moderation purposes, no need to mass downvote it for absolutely no reason, please and thank you.

Those who did it regardless, go cope and seethe lol.

De Pan-Europese Beweging. (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by navia to c/voltnederland

Deze post moest door wijzigingen opnieuw gemaakt worden, sorry iedereen.

Er kunnen fouten zitten in de zetelaantallen van bijv. de gemeenteraden, u kunt GEEN rechten ontlenen aan deze data.

Volt staat voor positieve maatschappelijke verandering, niet alleen van bovenaf via de politiek, maar ook van onderaf door de gezamenlijke kracht van de samenleving (grassroots) in te zetten. We kunnen als burgers immers meer dan alleen onze stem uitbrengen bij verkiezingen. We kunnen ook op een directe manier betrokken zijn bij het oplossen van maatschappelijke problemen door simpelweg aan de slag te gaan. Dit is broodnodig, want we kunnen nou eenmaal niet altijd wachten op de stroperigheid van de politiek. Deze directe aanpak is waar Volt als beweging voor staat. Daarom ondersteunen en starten wij diverse maatschappelijke initiatieven.

Partijvoorzitters: Denise Filippo en [Vacant] Rob Keijsers heeft in midden 2024 besloten af te treden voor persoonlijke redenen, deze beslissing viel hem zwaar, maar was uiteindelijk wel nodig voor zijn persoonlijke situatie.

Bestuursleden: Wesley Breel, Ilca Italianer, Erik Peperkamp, Oletta Bollen en Tapasya Vreeken.

Penningmeester: ?

Partijleider: Laurens Dassen.

Fractieleider Tweede Kamer: Laurens Dassen.

Tweede Kamerleden: Marieke Koekkoek

Fractieleider Eerste Kamer: Gaby Perin-Gopie.

Eerste Kamerleden: Eddy Hartog

Er is ophef ontstaan over hoe Volt Nederland een tweede Senaatszetel heeft bemachtigd, bij nader onderzoek bleek dat een Statenlid van GroenLinks Zuid-Holland een stem op ons had uitgebracht (dit hadden wij NIET met GroenLinks afgesproken, dus er was geen diplomatiek te pas gekomen of van "politieke spelletjes", dit kwam vooral voor ons als verrassing, vanwege deze actie is het Statenlid ook voor geschorst namens GroenLinks. De partijcombinatie verweet ons niet voor het feit dat PvdA-GL een zetel hierdoor misliep in de Senaat nadat zij achter de oorzaak kwamen.

Zetels Tweede Kamer: 2/150

Zetels Eerste Kamer: 2/75

Zetels Provinciale Staten: 11/572

Zetels Gemeenteraden: 20/8522

Datum oprichting: 2018-06-23 (23 juni 2018)

Hoofdkantoor: Koninginnegracht 7, 2514 AA, Den Haag, Nederland.

Aantal leden: Circa 17000 in februari.

Politieke richting: Centrum-links

Politieke idealogie: Sociaal-liberalisme, Europees federalisme, progressivisme en pragmatisme.

Partijkleur: Paars

Europese afdeling: Volt Europa.

Website: Volt Nederland.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by navia to c/volteuropa

This post had to be made again due to some changes, sorry for bothering ya'll Note that it is not updated in realtime.

No rights may be obtained with the data regarding the seat amounts, especially seats on the regional and local level in countries where there is no proper centralized oversight on said seats, or where a country has thousands of total municipal seats, the data might be incorrect, as such do not immediately assume the data to be correct, this was done on a best-effort basis, if you got more up-to-date data, you may always send me a message, requesting an update to the data in this post.

Only a Europe that acts together can solve our shared challenges. National parties are reaching their limits. To counteract populist promises and give a home to all Europeans, we created Volt: the first pan-European party. We strive to empower people to change politics and unlock Europe’s potential. Active in already more than 30 countries, we encourage citizens to rethink and shape politics in their cities, in their countries and across borders in Europe.

We are pan-European, pragmatic and progressive. While striving to promote diversity, we come together because of our shared goals and values. We ask the necessary questions and make realistic proposals to solve pan-European challenges.

Co-President: Mels Klabbers and Francesca Romana D'Antuono

Member European Parliament (MEP): Damian Boeselager, Nela Riehl, Kai Tegethoff, Reinier van Lanschot and Anna Strolenberg.

Board Members: Emma Bacci, Lucia Nass, Jennifer Scharpenberg, Luis Afonso Ameida Fernandes, Slavomir Maňásek and Janko Heineken

Treasurer: Christophe Quirynen

Seats European Parliament: 5/720

Seats Cyprus House of Representatives: 1/56

Seats Dutch House of Representatives: 2/150

Seats Dutch Senate: 2/75

Seats Dutch Provincial States: 11/572

Seats Dutch Municipal Councils: 20/8863

Note: Multiple Volt chapters possess seats, but not all are documented in a centralized manner, for example, regional and local seats from Volt Germany most certainly exist, but are not properly documented, apologies.

Foundation: 2017-03-29 (29th of March 2017)

Headquarters: Brussels

Amount of members: Estimated 30000 as of February

Political compass: Centre to centre-left

This will vary per chapter on the national, regional and local level, in some instances, a national, regional and/or local chapter may be centre-right instead, each chapter democratically elects it's own programme (as long it adheres to the European Mapping of Policies, but in there, there's flexibility as not every situation is the same, thus electrion programme's WILL differ per Volt chapter.

Political ideologies: Social-liberalism, European federalism, progressivism and pragmatism

European Parliament group: Greens/EFA

Volt Europa intends to found it's own group, but requires 25 MEP seats in order to do so, hence the strategical choice was made to join Greens/EFA. There was discussion as to why it was chosen over Renew Europe/ALDE, the primary reason is that Greens/EFA is smaller and allows Volt more speaking time, and thus they were chosen, secondary reasons are that Renew never kicked the right populist ANO 2011 (CZ) and Volt does not wish to be in the same group as the VVD currently, due to the current Dutch coalition of NSC, VVD, BBB and PVV.

Party color: Purple

Website: Volt Europa.