
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

My guy, we need only read the thread to see that all of you brigading and concern trolling are in the minority. It's a fact. Specifically in this case because Sam Bankman-Fried is the perfect example of the two-tiered legal system we have in the U.S., a different set of rules and consequences based on wealth. The only reason he's even in jail suffering the way he should be is because he started stealing from other rich people.

And christ, man, accusing me of pushing an agenda? How cliche can you get?

Oh, excuse you?

So you agree that the is is solely about people wanting blood, solely out of spite, and doesn’t actually serve any tangible purpose? Glad we’ve got that figured out.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, my friend.

You literally are out here parroting one-liners you memorized from shitty revenge movies and you're going to accuse me of pandering to cliches? Get the fuck out of here.

You're in here pushing evil, anti-justice apologetics to once again deny the American people the justice they deserve after so long and it's obvious. You don't care about what's right or what's good for Americans or what's good for morality or the world, you only care about what makes you personally feel better. And I won't fucking let you get what you want.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Holy shit, did you dig that strawman from the set of a bad 90's action movie or are you just happy to see me?

Did you know that doing what's right has its own intrinsic value and needs to be done for its own sake, and that not everything has to have a tangible, materialistic value? And that our inner, intrinsic, immaterial needs are just as valid as, if not more important in many ways, than our material ones?

By your logic, we shouldn't have space programs either, because those are largely about national prestige and dick-waving competitions at the U.N.

By your logic, we shouldn't have art either, because art doesn't have any real tangible value or purpose aside from what people assign to it. It literally only exists to make people feel better, yet here you are, arguing that anything with an immaterial purpose is therefore invalid.

Should we have no history either? History doesn't put food on our plates or pays our rent either, and when pressed, history buffs can give only nebulous, vague allusions to intrinsic, immaterial value their field provides, too, yet here you are.

So you agree that you're just concern trolling, hoping that by stereotyping anyone who demands justice as some 90's revenge movie stereotype that you can smear and discredit them, so you can do away with the notion of justice?

So you agree that you oppose justice?

No one even said anything about an eye for an eye. Denying someone vegan meals in prison isn't ripping their eyes out. Neither would imprisoning that fat fuck for life either. Even killing him wouldn't be that.

You may be opposed to the idea and the cause of justice, but the rest of the world is not, and you need to seriously sit down with yourself and seriously reflect on what it is you're doing and what you hope to accomplish here, because what you're doing is wrong.

[–] 13 points 2 years ago (2 children)

You. Unless you think we haven't noticed you're hiding behind a debate about the importance of punishment, the viability and legitimacy of the prison system and abuses of the U.S. prison system in a situation that has nothing to do with them because you're trying to promote veganism.

Do you think we are stupid?

[–] 12 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (14 children)


And the whole debate is asinine anyway because

  1. he already has PBJs and PBJs are given specifically as a vegan option.

  2. he doesn't have the right to be vegan when he's locked up

  3. you don't have the right to exploit crime threads to push your shitty political agenda.

This thread is not about you, not about vegans, and you coming in here brigading and unethically deciding the fact that a dude who stole billions is claiming to be vegan (whether that claim is true or false) is more important than justice and literally everyone else is unacceptable, get the fuck out of the thread

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

They don't have to be. That's not the point of it: the point is to punish them or permanently keep them locked away. If we wanted to guarantee they'll never hurt anyone ever again, we'd execute them and still do in some states.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (5 children)

No one is obligated to or wants to rehabilitate him or people like him. We respect their agency to make their own choices, and in return they accept the deleterious consequences if they choose to do horrific shit. Like this fuck you're using to push your agenda.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Well, I'd rather my tax money not be wasted denying people justice just to satisfy authoritarian twits like yourself, but who am I to disagree with you? I'm just a lowly meat-eater while all he did was steal billions from innocent people, taking away their retirements, and we all know we lowly meat-eaters don't mean as much as the fluffy squirrels and singing birds you think are your friends.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Yeah, can't be out here forcing cultists to think about what they're actually saying

[–] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (13 children)

It solves the problem of not allowing them to use suckers like you to manipulate everyone else to doing what he wants.

[–] 11 points 2 years ago (21 children)

Glad to know veganism is more important than justice.

He doesn't have the right to be a vegan in prison. He's in PRISON. Being justly punished. When you're in prison, you don't get to live the way you want barring basic human rights, and being vegan isn't a human right, it's a lifestyle choice.

Get over that fact and take your cultists out of the thread

[–] -1 points 2 years ago

He's not unempathetic for having a different opinion than you.

You are giving a kneejerk reaction.

You are saying awful things.

People will read your post and think "Mental illness makes people murder babies, guess I better not trust them, they're dangerous".

Imagine everyone else thinking mentally ill people are raving psychopaths champing at the bit to murder their families.

It's one thing to oppose the death penalty. But trying to imply a baby murderer isn't responsible for her actions because she is mentally ill -- which you don't actually even know she is anyway -- is a special kind of fucked up.

You're literally doing everything you accuse him of doing and more.

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