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[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I don't even think he'd make it up.

one fun thing we can already see; they're .gov addresses, so it's clearly not OUTSIDE the government. this is officially a government action, if laws still existed, that would have all sorts of interesting implications for everyone involved.

they don't, but, like, if they did.

im kind of shocked a show that was good got a second season on streaming.

and now you've just made it like 30% less cool. fuck, I may as well sign up for netflix now.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

the border wall isn't to keep people out. it's a symbol. a monument to xenophobia and the culture of terror.

capital punishment isn't an economic policy. it's a cultural policy. it's there to make killing not just a solution, but THE solution.

the tariffs aren't being put in for money reasons. they're being put in to strike at an enemy, real or imagined, to steer the fascist horde and direct them outwards, rather than inwards where they might notice how shit things are. to give them an enemy to blame for how shit their lives are that isn't the parasitic billionaires who fucked everything up.

who gives a shit what the VP says. im glad somebody's giving consequences to his constant bullshit.

don't know enough about that part of history, I mostly know that the contenders for 'last real christians' were either the pre-munster anabaptists, or weirdo fanatics like john brown. it's not about the killing; christians had been killing each other for a WHILE before that.

I always thought the idea of creating fake dummy databases, or fake servers for them to interact with, was the way to do this. get them changing all the numbers in a spreadsheet generated by a large language model. get them to interact with a server connected entirely to other virtualized servers and existing in its own little world.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I keep saying this, but christianity ended at the siege of munster.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

maybe it's.. hope?

like, the assholes in charge have never represented us or our interests. they own everything around us. I will never own a home. I know maybe one person in this shit hole country who's got even a remote shot at that, who didn't inherit the noble title of 'property owner'. none of the supposed prosperity of this place reaches me. I know so many people who have died of preventable illness, and the hoops I had to jump through to get antibiotics for a major injury last year would have killed someone less stubborn. I doubt much of the imperial pillage and fruit of all this internal productivity reaches you. even the old public works projects are a thing that has largely passed from living memory. ancient monuments to a bygone society that I can barely comprehend from old books. We voted for some new ones here in california, twenty years ago, then again and again to increase funding for them, and have yet to see them materialize-because of interference, deliberate interference to keep us from having nice things, by the fuckers who profit off the fact we need to eat food and sleep indoors but have never held a hammer or driven a tractor, by the fuckers who declare war having never been ordered into peril themselves, by the fuckers who work us to the bone until we die, and tell us it's what we deserve. maybe people in a better position to stand up to these bastards and do some damage to the things they care about actually doing it is what hope feels like.

maybe it will help more of us stand up ourselves. that would be cool.

[–] -4 points 3 days ago (4 children)

was more referring to the first part. how do you know? I'm going to go to really unreasonable lengths with this line of questioning, just so you know what you're getting into.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago (2 children)

wanting that much money requires it.

having that much money also inflicts it on you.

no more billionaires. for their sake, as much as ours.

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