@rando @lewdian69 In OsmAnd, you can change the routing engine for each routing profile (car, foot, bike, ...) in the profile settings, then routing settings, then switch from offline to online and add Valhalla as a service.
@redd @Irelephant And I guess the iD editor in osm.org can also open .OSM files but never tried.
@redd @Irelephant Correct, both tools will work!
@nokturne213 @pietervdvn @organicmaps updates the map once a month
@redd @Andromxda Did you mention this on GitHub? That should be solvable.
@redd @infeeeee we need just more people working with JOSM :josm: @josmeditor
@pietervdvn @aysilu #openrouteservice has a #wheelchair profile: https://maps.openrouteservice.org/
@rando @lewdian69 In OsmAnd, you can change the routing engine for each routing profile (car, foot, bike, ...) in the profile settings, then routing settings, then switch from offline to online and add Valhalla as a service.