Its feel luxury. The JR East E655 series is designed for VIP transportation,and a replacement for the retired royal train. It is also named "Nagomi", for reference.

Royal person(s) in transport
Apart from transporting royal person, the train can still be utilized as group reversed train, which is expensive to book. In other word, you can still get a chance to ride on it, if you are willing to pay a lot.

Your majesty, your trip cancel my train I used to ride.

This is the E655-1 (TR) car, which can only ride by royal person.

Interior of the train....not as luxury as I thought?
Well, to be honest, I think riding (luxury one) highway bus is better than taking the E655 series.
TL;DR: Only New Territories is leased for 99 years, remaining part of Hong Kong is ceased. So the statement is partly correct.
About "China only leased Hong Kong to Britain" is partly correct, and here is why:
After the first opium war, Hong Kong Island (including Aberdeen Island/Ap Lei Chau and surrounding islands) was cesed to British under Treaty of Nanking, which stated that
Wikipedia source
Treaty source
Then, after the second opium war, Kowloon Peninsula was cesed under Convention of Peking, which stated:
Convention source
Wikipedia source
Note: Kowloon Peninsula was leased initially, but latter ceased to British, see cite 1.
So , the remaining part of Hong Kong, the New Territories, is leased under The Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory , but English translation is not available, so here is a machine translated version:
Convention source
Wikipedia source
To sum up, only the New Territories is leased and the remaining part is ceased. For more detail, please read Cession of Hong Kong from wikipedia (Chinese Version only, you may use machine translation)
Map of Hong Kong
Cite 1:
Chapter 2 British Occupation of Hong Kong and the Establishment of the Colonial System from A Brief History of Hong Kong—From Ancient Times to the 1997 Handover, by 劉智鵬; 劉蜀永, ISBN 978-962-937-420-4.