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Überhaupt nicht verwirrend
branch | branchen | abzweigen
fork | forken | abzweigen
Überhaupt nicht verwirrend
Her sign doesn't tell people who don't think she's sexy what to do. A better statement would have been: run if and only if you think I'm sexy.
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Das Bild ist von ebay.
Die folgen stets dem Internet-Führer.
In einem inzwischen gelöschten Tweet freute sich Christian Lindner letztes Wochenende darüber, dass die FDP in einer Forsa-Umfrage bei 5% stand.
New Hampshire ♥️ New Mexico
The countries south of Germany are generally poorer and couldn't individually take in nearly as many refugees as Germany. Germany in return heavily benefits from free trade across Europe. Closing its borders and letting southern Europe struggle would have pretty negative economic consequences for Germany. Denmark doesn't have the same problem. If Germany, Italy, France and co take care of most refugees, they will still trade with Germany. Should these countries get overwhelmed and start to struggle, Denmark would feel the economic repercussions but would be unable to help in a meaningful way by taking in some of these refugees due to its relatively small size.
You too can work pro bono.
Ich habe mal dein Depot abgezweigt und dann vom Meister abgezweigt.