I need to hear this. Thank you.
No, fuck no. It's so annoying and I've been wanting to call it out, but technically that wouldn't be answering the question.
Edit: ... Although, when you think about it, the practice does seem a little stupid. But this place has no stupid questions.
It's the moments they don't laugh that are truly the most outrageous
Let's make a prequel to this fairytale so we can show how complex and sympathetic the villain is!
Oops they're still a villain.
Want your post to go viral on social media? Just add a caption that says "and now it's going viral on social media".
I never revisited this game. Maybe I should try a Groose-only run sometime.
MoVe FaSt AnD bReAk ThInGs
We spend 4 years making barrels that are supposed to be for transporting water to the site of the fire, and another 4 years using those barrels as fuel for the fire. No water is ever actually put into the barrels.
Sigh. Sorry, I get that it comes off that way, and I tried my best to tread lightly. I don't want to disclose my background or musical tastes. But I will concede I live under a rock, and I'll leave it at that.