“They do this because it goes unpunished, they are not getting arrested” says guy on a video showing multiple people being arrested.
None of you is asking the real questions: has he done something similar somewhere else?
Don’t you find it suspicious that sales have fallen massively everywhere but risen in the UK? How do we start an investigation there?
The guy is an absolute twat, don’t believe a word he says.
They do. Driving licenses are a point based system, points are taken proportionately to the infraction, they are slowly added over time if no infraction happened in the time range, but there is a cap. Once they get to zero your driving license is suspended.
Breast milk is the only milk that can be vegan. It’s all about consent.
Do you think .NET 4.8 is new? It’s 6 or 7 releases behind the current stuff.
He said tough but he meant hard.