It’s not just the tools you use, it’s the social/economic system those tools create that needs to change. To destroy the current system of profit and exploitation we all need to use different tools. Like crowbars, baseball bats, molotovs… Otherwise the Power and Influence will sell you yet another distraction in form of political discourse or a war somewhere where you choose between imaginary good and evil.
joined 2 years ago
I need explanation (translation). I only know 1 polish word. Ku**a!
Lol. Can’t fool me. Those are bull’s eggs.
Any electronic device with any software sends any data to anyone who pays.
Started watching Poker Face. It’s fun. I really like Natasha Lyonne, she could just stand there and watch clouds for 50 minutes and I would find it funny and adorable. 6 episodes to go and I already hope there will be more in the future.