A friend of mine once made a bacon chocolate gelato and it was divine. 10/10 would recommend. And now that you brought it to my mind, I'm jonesing for it..
If that's the biggest annoyance in your life, I want your life!
The thought had occurred to me as well, when right after upgrade my Bluetooth seemed to cycle on and off a few times before stabilizing
I might try to remove the pairing and redo it (not a trivial process with hearing aids, but not super complicated, either).
They're Resound Quattro's. They're connected directly to the phone, no extra hardware required, though you need the Android app installed to make it work. Can't just pair them with any random device that talks Bluetooth (like my tv!).
Yes, I can (and do) listen to podcasts and music with them(1), but the audio quality is necessarily not on par with even a cheap set of Bluetooth headphones. Hearing aids are tuned to let you hear conversation and your surroundings more, and don't really have much in the way of bass 😅 It's "serviceable" at best.
They are always connected and I can even receive phone calls on them, BUT they don't have microphones (at least none it lets Bluetooth use) and so I have to speak into the phone, but at least I can hear via hearing aids.
I can usually go all day with batteries. Depends on how hard the hearing aids have to work, I think. Some days they conk out early evening, but most days they last until midnight. I'm not sure I know the exact reason. Doesn't seem to depend on how much I use the Bluetooth connection.
But hearing aids are a VERY personal thing. Like shoes: some are cut wider and fit your foot better. I can tell you I'm pretty happy with mine (4 years old so all manufacturers have made a lot of progress since then!), but you really need to try a few to see how the audio quality sounds to YOU (and the kind and level of your hearing loss).
Good luck!
(1) I got hearing aids because I got tired of saying "what?" all the time. Now I have hearing aids and still say "what?" all the time, because I'm usually listening to a podcast and need to turn it off first 🤣
Just installed. Pixel 7a, Germany. It booted 😂
There's also those that sue for political reasons and not for money. Perhaps we need more lawyers to step up and offer their services pro bono to fediverse admins. The admins are volunteering their time for you. Might as well return the favor.
Dead man ist ein Meisterwerk. Einer meiner Lieblingsfilme. Kann ich nur empfehlen.
Für die die nicht warten wollen oder können (oder auch einfach so): das gibt es für Android schon lange und funktioniert gut: airguard. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.seemoo.at_tracking_detection.release
Ich lese gerade wieder Anathem (Neal Stephenson). Da ist sowas ein Sub-Thema....
Ist genauso wie bei Alkohol. Und wird wahrscheinlich genauso gut kontrolliert... Denk doch an die Kinder! (/s).
Zigarren und Pfeifen rieche ich ja gerne. Aber der Zigarettengeruch ist mir zuwider. Grass riecht eigentlich recht gut (subjektiv).
From the article:
Though I'm not sure why "curiously".