yes, it's basic tribalism
Palworld does what Nintendon't
OG Nazis were master manipulators, dressed cool as fuck and their propaganda machine was one of the best ever. Intelligent? There is no hard evidence of that, and their military strategies were poorly thought. They had fucking cool weapons and equipment, so maybe good engineers were involved, but that's it.
Tailscale? Netbird? I have been using hamachi like a fucking neanderthal. I love this posts, I learn so much
Literally the only time I got somewhat hacked was when I left the default port of the service. Obscurity is reasonable, combined with other things like the ones mentioned here make you pretty much invulnerable to casuals. Somebody needs to target you to get anything.
Votes for Leopard, gets face eaten.
This guy selfhosts
I need meme motivational posters like this one, brilliant
No fucking this is not the onion. Please fuck no
Same, same. If immediate consequences don't matter, fuck it.
I don't, but a compelling story is presented in The Egg by Kurzgesagt.