/me hört dies gesprochen von Kosh
On Linux: install puppeteer first from your ~ directory
For me, bun start --manualAuth --baseUrl "https://www.amazon.tld/" worked
Oh. So we're finally getting the Babylon 5 data storage?
I love organic, but if you want an other option, here we ho (ex Nokia maps) is pretty fast and has a features like traffic
Ha, did not know that, thank you
You are right, but it lowers the prices for Russia, and takes away a hughe market to put Russian money into. There is a reason the oligarchs send their kids to British schools and buy property in Bavaria. Europe is stable and has a stronger rule of law compared to regions now available to them.
Getting rid of the sanctions will not help the economy. Russia offers mainly cheap gas and that is currently limited to flow through Ukraine - a prime target for sabotage. Europe needs to transition to other sources, and not by betting on new nuclear or fuison, both need decades to get up and running (plus, nuclear ties you to Russia, Khazakstan and others - with Canada and Australia being the only big producers with democratic standards).
Upgrade if existing infrastructure, big ass battery storages (maybe with additonal H2 systems), Geo thermal and a smarter net are the way to go, IMHO. We need to build as much as possible. The good news is, those technology is mature and experts are available. It just needs secure funding.
Edit: added spider country
Außerdem kannst auf zwei Sonos unterschiedliches Zeug hören, essenziell für Kinderhörspiele
Infrastruktur sollte komplett ausgenommen sein. Da zu sparen statt sauber Erneuerungen zu planen kostet sonst mehr.
Love Organic, but if you want public transport, maybe have a look at Here We Go, the map app from Here aka Nokia Maps?
I loved that formfactor
I have nearly the same thread with disney+. Price hiked from 89 to 139/year. I like it but not that much.