
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Probably autocorrect from !

A human should not try to answer it.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

There was a guy on GitHub that added a Lemmy comment section to his blog hosted on his website. So it's already an accepted although niche usecase.

I feel like a single user instance of Pleroma would be more appropriate (and easier to host) but even though the character limit can be increased the remote limit of other instances might reduce your visibility, I am not sure.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

That's not what I was saying, PD included 12v up to 2.0 (I am going from memory) so it's not multi standard support but retrocompatibility from modern PD to the older version

Edit: I checked and the requirement was removed from rev 1 to rev 2 so now it's optional

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

12v is not mandatory in the latest PD standard but it is still allowed and many PSUs implement it. I got a few inexpensive USB C connectors wich negotiate 12V out of compatible blocks specifically to convert to PD 12v devices like my shaver.

[–] 64 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Go by elimination, the first thing I would do is reset the phone and don't pair it to any bluetooth device. Also change the WiFi password and the router admin password with strong randomly generated passwords.

Then keep going as usual and see if something changes.

When you said you used a bug detector, was it a radio frequency analizer? Did you check while doing a phone call, a bug that is not transmitting wouldn't be detected.

Do the people you talk with or someone living with them know your neighbour? Maybe the leak is on the other end.

If the houses share an air conditioning system maybe try closing off the vents.

I know you are sure of your experiences but have you checked your physical and mental health? A few mental conditions could make coincidences turn into paranoia, but even a few simple physical conditions like carbon monoxide poisoning and maybe even vitamin deficiency could loosen your grip on reality . Has someone else witnessed first hand these events?

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause memory loss, allucinations and paranoia

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Why buy a project that is going to get abandoned and get a cut to Google? Wouldn't a direct donation and then buying the new app make more sense? Am I missing something?


Hello, I recently bought a USB A to C cable and it is pretty weird. It is a USB A to USB C cable, seemingly USB 2.0 but the A connector has 5 pins, the 4 pins of USB 2 and what looks like pin 7 of USB 3.0 so in the middle of the back row, the other pins of USB 3.0 are not there and the plasting moulding only allows for that one pin (moreover the USB type C end looks like it only has the few middle pins so it's probably 2.0). The weirdness continues because when connected to a USB power supply the led on the USB C connector lights up but it can only charge simple devices like flashlights or things that generally just accept 5V, anything with fast charging capabilities gets no output. I am probably going to test it with breakout boards and eventually even disassembly it and maybe replace the connectors but in the meantime does anyone have any explanation?

P.S. I will make a follow up post (or an update here) when I open it up, with photos of course.