good idea
sudo apt-manage add popdev:master
good idea
sudo apt-manage add popdev:master
I bet in my brief testing, it's about 70% usable.
Some features are not yet completed:
Some are fully usable in my use-case:
Didn't test:
But, please note that I'm running it on a vm, so the exact issues might not exist on bare metal (if anyone can chime in).. In any case, the legacy apps, ex Settings, Files, Terminal still exist.
So my procedue is to set all cosmic apps as default, and if I encounter issues, I'll just use the legacy apps for that particular tasks, and when I'm done, I go back to cosmic apps for daily use.
apps available to try with this method are:
sure and I will post an update
some suggest kernel 6.7 will fix the issue but not sure about that.
are these official apps?
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