And a light theme. I'm tired of websites having dark theme only.
Uh, they're different, though. There is no C++ tool (AFAIK) providing an exhaustive check of ALL the data lifetimes. I even think it's impossible, because their semantics are really different. Rust is move by default, C++ copy by default; Rust has no inheritance with its constructors, etc.
Well, I think it's fine for the not-so-near future. They are known to support their hardware for quite a long time. I even suspect that before their support ends, there will be some other groundbreaking new hardware.
It depends if it's a real DevOps role, or an operations role with a DevOps title because it's trendy. In the former case, the role should include some kind of backend development.
I honestly try and read Go news from time to time, with an open mind, but the amount of terrible footguns is astounding, especially when the language is marketed as "simple" and easy for beginner to grasp. I would pick C# or Java over it anytime.
You will wait for at least a year. There still is no support for my M2 laptop.
I have a much better plan: I live in a country where cars ain't stolen
I know this is a piece of humor, but half of these are not surprising coming from a FP background (expression oriented, sum types, strong generic typing... )
Also, daring to compare Go and Rust error handling, and saying that Go's one is better is... bold. It's arguably one of the worst in any language.
Uh, not really? It's quite average compared to a complete inference like in Haskell and the likes.
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When senior devs get older, they're tired to look cool and take care of their eyes with light themes.
I didn't even know there were a survey (and I've used Rust professionnaly for years)