luigi was not on the news because he killed someone but because he caused the share price to drop. the share price has recovered since. as simple as that.
People who casually dismiss conspiracy theories are exactly as bad as those who unquestioningly believe them.
the occams razor is a crucial part of scientific thinking for a reason.
the space of all possibilities is infinite. the space of what people believe and say is enormous. the space of what is actually truth is comparatively smaller, unrelated and uncaring about either of those.
you can't possibly consider everything everyone says - especially if what they are saying keeps changing as they see fit. you'll just burn out if you try and end up in endless "discussions" with the people who are "just asking questions"...
that doesn't mean i should dismiss or ridicule people, but it does mean i will not spend a single heartbeat thinking about another "proof" that the earth is flat or controlled by lizard prople or something.
yes, you do it yoursef, but you always need some external inputs and inspiration before you try something new. and where you get that inspiration and what you try matters a lot.
sometimes the research you are able do yourself is not enough because of hype. the hype alone can trigger "scientific studies" that get approved just because they are about a visible topic and the results get cherry-picked by "journalists" creating a false sense of consensus to everyone who didn't spend their life studying the topic in detail.
see books like 80/20 running (based on a "study" done by the author on members of a single running club with n<=5 participants per group) or baby led weaning (based on the ability of the author to bullshit parents with baby brain) that created whole movements behind them and claimed to be based on strict scientific research.
sometimes even researchers themselves can get swiped away by the collective delusion (hype) even in otherwise very rigorous fields (e.g. string theory in physics or all the "AI" research going on right now).
the only way to be sure that what you are learning is right is if it can show past results. someone (many someones) took the risk before you and went with it. and they came up with predictions that panned out and applications that were useful and are well known.
you can be adventurous and try new promising things, but be aware of what you are doing, why and what the cost and consequences are.
yes. whether i asked my mom for one of her recipes she would readily tell me the ingredients... but whenever i asked how much of the thing to put she would get really confused. like, about 🤏 this much...
written like a true teenager with no life experience whatsoever!
why is everyone in this thread acting like girls (or boys) are this mythical perfect beings who always know perfectly what they know and it's just a question of figuring out the puzzle and finding the best reaction...
no, what he forgot to count were the state subsidies that pay for all of the expenses including building and operating costs and supplement the profit so that it makes it worth it for the investors to even bother in the first place
maaaan! you must come from a country where the laws actually protect customers from the corporations rather than the other way around... otherwise you could never come up with such a naive statement.
this! the megacorporation receives 500k donations, which they transfer to CEO's son's "charity" that spends 99% of it on the said son's salary. he buys another ferrari and the charity sends some flowers to a children cancer hospital.
yup. how is that not obvious to anyone is beyond me... some of those workers have contracts that would require amazon paying severance in case they would just fire them like so many other companies do. better make them leave on their own.
it could and did happen. I remember reading about 6 year old kid getting lost at the airport gate (i think it was in germany) only to be discovered when they finally looked for their parents in italy. just went away while parents were preoccupied with something else and looked like someone else's kid while boarding the plane. as a parent travelling with small kid I can totally see that happening anywhere - kids can just walk anywhere with no questions asked as long as they are next to an adult who looks like they could be their parent.
what's the rationale for IT not wanting to pay for the fobs?