
joined 1 year ago

Like, these kinda people exist. He's probably depressed, unemployed, and doesn't know what to do with his life.

My take is: we should improve society somewhat. If society improves, this too will improve, in yours and countless other examples.

There's no point haggling with single, individual cases like these IMO, because you "fix one hole, open another" or sth. Really, i started to abandon the concept of finding personal relationships, and instead focus on what can be done to improve society as a whole. Kinda like what priests who lived without real private lifes did in the medieval times. It's challenging, but fulfilling.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah, sounds like you might have depression. That might sound scary now, like "uuh, depression, i don't want to have a grave sickness", but actually IIRC, like 20% of teenagers nowadays have depression. So it's pretty normal.

Contrary to what the stereotypes might say, depression does not mean that you're "sad" all the time (at least for most people), it rather means that you're tired or without emotion most of the time.

I know the feeling of not wanting to spend time with other people because they might seem "boring". But, as you've mentioned in another post (iirc), many of your friends seem to be "weirdos" (a.k.a. neurodivergent), so they might actually be interesting people. Either give them a try, or become yourself the interesting person that you would want to interact with, or wait until you one day meet somebody that you're willing to spend more time with.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

omg, that whole comment thread is just so incredibly wholesome. i'm a weirdo too, btw, in case anybody wants to be friends 🤗

or you store the trash somewhere until recycling is economically viable, which it probably will be, at least for some types of plastics, once that renewable energy gets significantly cheaper than the oil required to make new plastics.

tbf, every time you're installing basically anything at all, you basically trust whoever hosts the stuff that they don't temper with it. you're already putting a lot of faith out there, and i'm sure a lot of the software actually contains crypto-mineware or something else.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

the interestingness of numbers is a field that fulfills Laplace's equation, with the constraint that 0 is infinitely interesting, and the interestingness converges to zero for n -> infinity.

you know what i've come to suspicion lately?

actually, rent prices might be so high because there's fewer houses/apartments than people looking for one, and that drives prices up (low supply, high demand), but the reason that supply is so low is because investors are predicting that the population number will fall in the future (due to low birth rate), so people's demand for houses/apartments will be lower as well. so if they construct now, it might not pay out for them later on. that is why they're waiting, and not constructing, and if people do the same, instead of buying houses now, buying them later (e.g. living with your parents), rent and housing prices might significantly go down.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

i remember reading that they were the newly-founded, glowing-eyes company like 3 months ago

i bring the bag from home.

[–] 12 points 5 days ago (2 children)

joke's on you, i use a shopping bag

yeah me too, i get nasty rashes and stuff

coons rule (

also check out the comments from the crosspost on /c/greentext, the whole thread is just so wholesome


what would happen irl


This is not a personal issue.

Real wages have gone down 50% since the 1970s. One person used to provide enough for a family, now typically both partners go to work and it's still "just enough".

In the conservative 1960s, the woman's rights movement would have never succeeded if it wasn't backed by the media (big news), and we all know they're owned by the rich. So what does the rich gain by making women go to work?

The labor market is a free market. It is regulated by supply and demand. If there's higher supply in workers, wages go down. I'm worried that the women's rights movement was allowed by the rich to increase supply of workers and bring down the wages.


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This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/ich_iel by /u/Velvet-Ripple99 on 2025-01-10 13:35:00+00:00.


It was really difficult for me to create this meme, because i don't really like dogs normally. but this one just seemed perfect here.


ist zwar nicht wirklich ich iel, aber ich weiß nicht wo das sonst hingehört


every bird is a UFO if you're bad at birding.

I know this meme isn't very professionally done, but I hope you get the idea. If somebody can make this more appleasing to view, feel free to make your own meme like this.

duplicates (


Explanation: asking for a program to effectively remove duplicates gives 14 programs that do essentially the same (therefore, making them duplicates).

Relevant XKCD:


Wie ihr im Anhang sehen könnt, sind die "Antworten" und "Abbrechen" buttons bei bzw. genau vertauscht, was mich schon mehrfach dazu verführt hat, fälschlicherweise "Abbrechen" statt "Antworten" zu tippen, weswegen ich mühsam getippte Kommentare zweimal tippen musste.

Wäre es möglich den Antworten-Button farblich etwas grün hervorzuheben, oder wenn man auf "Abbrechen" drückt kurz zu fragen - "Sind Sie sicher dass sie den Kommentar verwerfen wollen?" oder so etwas? Danke schon mal fürs lesen.



This is not intended as "how to grow all your food you ever need at home".

It merely provides the vegetables.

You still have to get your grains (and therefore the majority of your calories) from somewhere else.

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