Posting this because no one else seems to want to,
Maybe because it's a bad idea that wouldn't solve something that's not even a problem but would make the community more difficult to use.
- Frequent posters don't hold any more special influence than irregular posters, posts are sorted by their upvotes and downvotes not by who posts them.
- A community with stupid rules that removes your post for no reason because you went beyond some arbitrary limit will discourage new members from participating
- It is dumb to think about a news community in terms of quality and quantity. Not every news article should be some 10000 word Pulitzer prize winning deep dive, some of them are just going to be two paragraph breaking news updates. Also, there are some days where not a lot of news happens and some days where a ton happens, and this idea would just make the community struggle to be relevant and up to date on those big news days. If somebody posts a dumb news story, downvote it and leave a comment about why it's dumb and post a better one.
- I don't want you or anyone else determining the value of another post for me beyond your up/downvote and comment. If the post actually breaks a community rule that we've all been informed about and agree to by participating then a mod can remove it, but if you just don't like what's being discussed then just downvote and deal with it, and if you just don't like the person who posted it then please fuck off with your incivility to another website.
- People who really do want to push misinformation will just make alts that will work around this system, so you'll be making the community harder for people to use transparently while doing nothing to discourage bad actors
and it’s a discussion worth having outside of drama or personal conflicts.
If you wanted to avoid personal conflicts maybe don't propose a rule judging posts based on who posted them and what else they've posted instead of the content of the post itself
There ought to be rules governing these posts to keep users who don't check the community on weekends or off hours from being blindsided by rule changes. Something like a designated day of the week for meta posts and a minimum time duration they need to be considered for.