Why are the left so violent!!?!
It wasnt really an issue until now 😆. Who would have though a founding member of NATO would go to the other side!
But Europe weaned themselves off Russian gas, they can rebuild their own domestic defence industry.
It’s funny, the posters over at r/conservative truly believe they aren’t nazis and say thing like why is the left so violent, you do anything and they call you a nazi etc etc.
Crazy they can’t see the wood for the trees. Maybe they should have a bit of introspection, like maybe look in to why everyone calls the leaders and followers nazis…
Ironic coming from the “sheeple” crowd.
I honestly forgot he existed
Why are firefighters in prison?
Or is it prisoners can apply to be firefighters?
I reckon she’s also somewhat leaky.
Prime was tragic for years with terrible interface and content. It’s only recently in the last year or so that it got to a decent level. Disneys content is very good these days, but their interface could still do with some work.
I’m only a subscriber of Disney as their content matches my interests. I despise Amazon so only get a free trial or pay for a month when something like Reacher is on. Netflix own content no longer interests me especially after cancelling half the things I like.
I feel like everyone is missing the point here.
Yes they are now but it took a very long time to get there. And prime gets subscribers by default so to, well, prime 🤣. Netflix still has over 300m.
I’m not even a sub, I cancelled a while back and only have Disney.
What I was trying to say is, like steam, there was originally one platform in Netflix. Everyone was on it and it was a good time. Then, like steam, a lot of publishers left steam/Netflix and took their content in favour of their own platforms. And then years later due to costs and lower numbers than needed, ended up making their content not exclusive.
Yes but none of the others have usurped it. They all were on Netflix, left to make their own platforms and are finding out the hard way that running a video platform is not cheap nor easy. Some shuttered and returned to Netflix.
They all tried. They all failed.
Same with video streaming platforms vs Netflix.
“Why won’t this flush!!!!!!”