Noteworthy thing I haven't seen mentioned here: They apparently only removed app access. The website still works just fine.
Good bass does just as much as good drums for metal in my opinion. Here's a good example of every part of a band with a chance to shine:
BEYOND CREATION - Omnipresent Perception:
Drums - 3:08
Guitar 1 - 3:49
Bass - 4:17
Guitar 2 - 4:45
And if nvidia doesn't do it, modders likely will. Been running framegen on my 2060 since long before patch 2.13, and the mod version is better than the official one in my opinion.
I feel like patch 2.2 specifically added in some performance issues and bugs. I played a lot on 2.12 and I remember it running a lot smoother/more consistent, but I haven't gotten around to actually double checking it (I apparently have four versions installed like a crazy person).
Lol I feel the same about people mentioning Fleshgod. I know got pretty big fast, but the first time I heard of them was when they performed at the summer slaughter tour in 2011. I was there to see Black Dahlia Murder, but Fleshgod was very much the highlight of it for me.
And a relevant song: The Great Hall of Feasting -
I think the cut is at the 2:50 ish mark, but it's tough to tell. Definitely in the 2:45-3:10 ish area though.
Typically depression and other mood stuff associated with bipolar.
I swear, drug companies' modus operandi solely revolves around coming up with side effects so awful that the original problem just doesn't seem as bad by comparison, despite the meds not actually helping it in any way.
Abilify made me unable to even consider anything beyond sleeping and eating.
Hell yeah, Anorexia Nervosa was one of my favorite bands for a long time. Good tunes. I grew up in a town with a comparatively big metal scene, so I was pretty blessed with a lot of metal that I would have otherwise never heard. Honestly I wasn't too sure that anyone would recognize anything from that list outside of Neurosis or a few others. Hell, I wouldn't recognize some of them if I didn't write the list, and it's all from my own music library.
They are! Some of them even have good music (ouch, self jab). A lot of them fall squarely in the realm of non metalheads saying "this isn't music/this is just noise", a few of them are small scale bands, and a few of them are really iconic bands.
3 inches of Blood is very much the outlier genre-wise, it's power metal about DnD stuff.
Now wait just a minute...