No, people were factually cheated out of a primary, and Gaza factually wasn't being prioritized. And people told the Democrats for over a year that this would happen, and yet they still made their choices. The Democratic party fucked you, not the voters. For anyone who was paying attention, this isn't a surprising outcome.
Because it wasnt caught on video or didnt go viral it doesnt matter? Your police blatantly murder people all the time.
I mean mine goes away if i scroll yp or down usually, or tap anywhere thats affected. I just think its kinda funny. Its also pretty rare so far.
Yup happening for me too on android
Use some reading comprehension. I think they still teach that in US schools, though maybe not for much longer.
That post was a hypothetical comment about if the US became an invading force in Canada. It wasnt about 'ordinary citizens who want to burn it to the ground'. If you care so much maybe go out and do something about what your government is doing.
We have those, they're called sphinxes.
I mean i guess you must be pretty competent with an abacus then in case you ever get stuck somewhere where they wont let you ise a calculator? Your argument that people should spend time becoming proficient with inferior tools just because they are tools doesn't really hold up. If something gets the job done better and more efficiently it makes the other tools obsolete. Thats the nature of technology.
Fuck off Nazis cum
Go start a riot. You were late and now look whats happening.
But being stuck using windows when its not the right tool for the job is like having to use a pickaxe when you could be using q jackhammer, only the idiots in procurement don't like power tools.
Theres a difference between nsfw memes and joke/shitpost content, and straight up porn though. Thats why i just have different accounts for different purposes, and on my main block porn as it comes up.