They discontinued the 5 while I was waiting for it -.- And "We continue to produce the old version" was missing the "and prolong the software support window". I think I have to usb or bluetooth dongle with my next phone.
Sigh. Time to introduce real letters that can be negative and fractional.
It's a vocabulary test, if the word of the week was suffrage it's D. Must be a course in Floridian business English preparing you for smalltalk with your colleagues.
I've been playing Andromeda's Edge this weekend, for the third time. It was the first time we had a flow of cascading actions, you could feel the engines going - and how the different starting races influenced the gameplay decisions. Felt good, and the score balance was pretty good, too. My fungal empire won by scoring over 100 points in the final counting, but the other players weren't far behind. It's not a casual family game that you can play with everyone but is not too crunchy either (for my taste). Will play again and consider to get a physical copy.
I like badblocks in destructive mode. It can also do multiple rounds of overwriting. It is also a good tool to burn in a new hdd or test a used one. just check smartctl bad sector count, run it, check again if it increased.
Only the watermark. I had to follow the rule after I subscribed, I stole it from know your meme a few days ago because I must have found it funny. Will continue to lurk through subscriptions after this ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Someone has to write all these shitty articles how bad the other generations are.
Warzone 2100 is also pretty good. c&c vibes. I also enjoyed Widelands. It's like a Settlers 2 remake.
Lmao this is Linux! A new distribution is only a new source to fork from, distributions only die after the last maintainer has left. Besides, Fedora atomic is build in a ci/cd pipeline from Fedora with high automation, chances Bazzite gets forks and custom editions are basically baked in and sold as advantages of this approach.
I recommend using windows tools to shrink windows partitions if you only have one drive and read about manual partitioning for your Linux install - though the "use free space" option should work fine after windows shrunk itself.
Ich finde diesen Artikel sehr Schade. Der großteil der Fleischproduktion geht schon lange in den Export. Statt dessen Zahlen überhaupt zu erwähnen, wird direkt von lokaler Produktion auf lokalen Konsum geschlossen und "der Jugend" ein schlechtes Gewissen eingeredet. Wessen Jugend? Die Afrikanische, die mehr deutsches Fleisch kauft weil die eigenen Bauern pleitegehen, die sich keine automatisierten Massenställe leisten können? Der Artikel ist zu kurz und appelliert zu emotional, um mehr als billiges Gewissensmarketing zu sein.