
joined 2 years ago
[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I still have 2-3 books I want to read before my next Dresden novel (Changes), but your comment is making me want to read it ASAP.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 3 days ago

Oooh, I do need that bingo square, but even without that, books, specially fantasy about other culture are always interesting.

Thanks for the recommendation.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Oooh nice! First read? Or a re-read? It has been years since I read the books. They were one of the starting fantasy I read.

LOTR is very different from HP, both are pretty great though, so have fun!

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Any specially good book that you would like to recommend?

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah, these standalone books are pretty good, and they take much lighter tone than the usual Cosmere.

You can try different series in Cosmere and read them as standalone. There is one character that makes an appearance in all his books, but other than that each series is kind of standalone.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 3 days ago

I just got first three books of Old Man's War. Haven't started them yet though. Will do it soon-ish.


Have been pretty busy last couple of weeks, so still reading Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 of second era of Mistborn.

Also started Wandering Inn, have read a few chapters, and while interesting, I am not a big fan of the main character. Maybe I have read too many (web) novels that I can't understand when people don't act like typical isekai protagonist, but still...

The world building is interesting, want to know more about what's happening. Will probably try to read at least the first volume and then decide whether I want to continue or not.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only ~~5~~ 4 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago

Umm... I don't think there is underlining in lemmy at all, and quotes are fine.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 5 days ago

Oooh, looking forward to what comes next.

I am reading them kinda slowly as I don't want to run out of them before the next book releases, but that seems difficult now.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago

I haven't read much "hard boiled" detective fiction, so can't comment on that, but the books feel quite different from Rivers of London series, at least going with the 2 RoL books I have read.

You should give it a try, though do keep in mind that the first couple of books are probably the weakest.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 1 points 5 days ago

Ah, that sounds annoying. But nice about writing getting better!

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 2 weeks ago

Oh, didn't know about Bean Free Library, thanks for the mention!


Read Turn Coat, book 11 of the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

Another bad people/creatures/whatever doing bad stuff with magic, while Dresden stops them, while getting completely beat up book. I don't mean that as a bad thing though. That's why I read the books!

This had some interesting world-building stuff, with some new stuff in over-arching story. Also read the short story that takes place after the book (in the anthology Side Jobs), an interesting look at the relationship between Harry and Murphy.

Currently reading Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 of second era of Mistborn. Just started it, so don't have much to say about it yet.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only ~~5~~ 4 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

[–] dresden@discuss.online 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Ah okay, thanks! I generally don't buy much ebooks so am a bit oblivious about this. My very short e-collection is pretty much all public domain and direct from author books.

And yeah, Calibre is great, use that to connect / transfer books to my very old reader.


Finished The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. Book 1 of 2nd era of Mistborn. This was a very interesting book. Set about 300 years after the first era. The changes in the world, and to learn about some of the characters, it was all very interesting, and I am very glad that I re-read the first era before reading this.

Finished Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. The book was surprisingly good. I quite enjoyed it, and it didn't even feel old.

My kid is already on book 5. So, highly recommended your for your 9-12 year olds.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only 5 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Had a busy week, wasn't able to read much. Couldn't even go through all the responses from last week's thread.

Still reading Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. I have read first 40 pages or so, and the book hold up pretty well. I am enjoying what I am reading, and my kid is loving them too.

Also started The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson. Book 1 of 2nd era of Mistborn. I don't start multiple books at a time, but I had to go somewhere where I would have few hours free, and I realised I would finish the Famous Five book in an hour or so, and didn't want to take multiple books, so took Alloy of Law with me.

I am about half-way done, and it's interesting to see how the world has evolved, and the myths / history of the world. Also the changes in allomancy are interesting. Looking forward to finishing it soon.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are ~~still 6 months remaining~~ only 5 months to go!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. The climax and resolutions was really good, even on my 2nd re-read. Finally done with the first era! Wanted to jump right into next book to find out what happens to that one character, but next book is hundreds of years in the future.

Started Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton. Got the series for the kid, he is already halfway through the book and wanted to talk to me about it, so reading it myself.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Welcome back after the holidays! Hope you had a good time, and your new year is starting well!

I didn't get much time to read, so still reading The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. Third and final book the of Mistborn series (first era).

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


It's end of another year. And like always, new year means new journal! So, how are you changing your journal?

  • What are you keeping in your journal?
  • What are you adding?
  • What are you removing?

My journal is pretty stable and very minimal. Other than a monthly budget spread, it's pretty much the official method without any significant changes.

What about all of you?


Finished Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. It was a fine book, enjoyed reading it, at least the latter half.

Started The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson. Third and final book the of Mistborn series, well the first era anyway. This is quite a dreary book, but it concludes everything so that's good.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

Just a note, next weekly thread falls on 31st Dec, so we are going to skip that, see you in week after that, in 2025!

There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.


Finished The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. Book 2 in the Mistborn series. What I remembered of the ending, was actually 100 pages before the actual end, so was fun reading that.

Currently Reading Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. Didn't like the start, but I am about halfway through and enjoying it now. It says it's "comedy horror", but I am just not getting the comedy part, which is probably why I didn't like the start, I think. The story itself is interesting enough though.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?


There's a Midyear Bingo check-in post, do take a look. Even if you haven't started this year's Book Bingo, you can still join, as there are still 6 months remaining!

For details, you can checkout the initial Book Bingo, and it's Recommendation Post . Links are also present in our community sidebar.

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