Steam time? I'm over twice that and only have 2 blueprints so that sounds about right.
joined 2 years ago
It has been a bit slow with not many people posting, but I'll keep coming back since I stopped using Reddit. Also visiting warframe forums but not used to the format after using reddit for so long.
I farmed Grendel again recently because I needed the subsume ability and both times I used the hildryn method and it still worked.
It is possible to skip adding elemental ward, just will be killing things a bit slower. Important now if the player is new, I think I saw this week duviri curcuit was hildryn and could get the haven augment mod with it.
I did bring a hammer this time in anticipation of eximus units being too tough to kill and some were. I don't remember being in danger of getting killed though.
But bloody hell this mission can be a bore at 20 min survival or the 800 cryotic excavation that barely spawns the right mobs to charge the excavator.