Snaps just don’t really work very well. When I have had problems in the past and gone looking for answers, what I consistently find is that the problem is fixed by installing the non-snap version of . I love containers but if I am going to use them I want to have control over how they are configured and that they have access to.
Or at least if I don’t control them I just want them to work, and they never do. I would use them if they weren’t consistently shit.
What a ridiculous take. I love overclocking and pushing hardware to its limits but if I operate equipment outside of its design parameters I don’t expect the manufacturer to bail me out if I damage it. I paid for a 3.8GHz 8 core processor (or whatever) and it’s on me if I decide to operate it outside of those parameters.
A lot of you have this sense of entitlement that does not line up with reality. If need a 12-core 3.8GHz processor that is what I buy. If you decide to buy a 12-core 3.2GHz processor and overclock it to 3.8GHz that is on you. It isn’t on the manufacturer to subsidize your overclocking adventure. Processors are binned according to what they are able to handle and based on benchmark data and the cost of higher-end processors factors in the reality that those higher-end processors may require more frequent replacements due to being on the cutting edge of the platform on which they were designed to run.
Deprogram yourself. If you buy a processor rated for X cores at Y GHz, that is the performance you should expect to receive. If you go beyond that you are on your own and what you encounter on that journey is on you.
What you are suggesting with this statement, whether you realize it or not, is that people who pay for what they actually need should subsidize your attempts to DIY that performance in the form of higher costs overall.
Please, void your warranty, but accept that you have voided it when you do.