
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

Yes. They did, after all, assassinate him.

[–] 2 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (2 children)

It’s pretty funny to see this thread filled with wrong answers by users and those same smuglibs downvoting anyone that suggests otherwise when it’s pretty universally accepted that he was killed by the CIA.

The CIA even did a distinctive CIA-style cleanup job , eliminating all parties with knowledge of the hit afterward.

What for many years seemed unthinkable has turned out to be true after all.

There was a CIA cover-up. The CIA did suppress information. The CIA did stonewall both of the official government investigations of the JFK assassination. And as a consequence of this Agency misconduct, both investigations were compromised in important respects-particularly in regard to the fundamental issues of whether the assassination resulted from a conspiracy and whether Lee Harvey Oswald (alleged to be the sole assassin in the Warren Report and alleged to be one of multiple assassins in the Report of the House Assassinations Committee) was affiliated with the CIA.

[–] 8 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

Do you have a link to his undoing?

His knowledge of everything mechanical and electronic is pretty useful though. I’ve learned a TON from him but now I prefer Cutting Edge Engineering to scratch that kind of itch.

[–] 16 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (5 children)
  • Cutting Edge Engineering (heavy machinery repair done incredibly well…addictive to watch)
  • Martijn Doolaard (restoring cabins in the Italian Dolomites)
  • AvE (though I’m pretty sure he’s conservative)
  • Primitive Technology (an anthropologist that recreates primitive technologies like kilns and huts)
  • Watcheyes (amazing ASMR watch repair)
  • Clickspring (ambitious machinist projects)
  • 3Blue1Brown (beautiful info graphics to explain concept topics)
  • The Signal Path (a pro electrical engineer talking about and repairing advanced electronics)
  • Democracy Now (leftist news)
  • Tech Ingredients (a professor and his students inventing tech gadgets and sharing their work)
  • Applied Science (one of the most advanced and ambitious YouTube scientist inventors out there)
  • Cody’s Lab (a brilliant guy who lives on a ranch doing science and metallurgical experiments)
  • NileRed (excellent YouTube chemistry channel with incredibly ambitious projects)
  • Fireship (articulate infographic explainer of tech news)
  • Mental Outlaw (news and leftism)
  • Behind the Bastards (podcast about the worst people in history)
  • Two Minute Papers (an AI researcher reacts to new research papers)
  • bigclivedotcom (a brilliant electrical engineer’s musings)
  • Hackaday (a podcast that talks about news stories on Hackaday which is a feed of impressive electronic maker projects)
  • The Amp Hour (pro electrical engineers chatting)
  • Andreas Spiess (an IOT maker sharing his work)
  • Tsoding (a brilliant Russian software engineer screencasts his wizardry)
  • Tsoding Daily (a brilliant Russian software engineer screencasts his wizardry)
  • No Boilerplate (BEAUTIFUL explanations of the features of different programming languages)
  • CinemaStix (REALLY solid documentaries about films and filmmakers)
  • Pitching Ninja (the smartest pitching analyst by a mile)
  • Jeff Geerling (super thorough computer hardware and software reviews, builds, experiments, and musings)
  • Strange Loop Conference (YouTube channel for this really good conference with tons of brilliant talks from software engineers and language authors)
  • Impure Pics (a really helpful channel for Haskellers and Purescript people)
  • Psionic Audio (an amp repair guy that doesn’t bring his fucked up life into his channel and alienate all of us like Uncle Doug)
  • Computerphile (really solid explanations of complex topics by researchers and professors in all fields of computer science)
  • Abom79 (a really solid machinist that does a good job walking you through everything he does)
  • Tweag (a brilliant software engineering company’s channel)
  • Serokell (a brilliant software engineering company’s channel)
  • NixCon (all things Nix/NixOS)
  • IOG Academy (a brilliant software engineering company’s channel)
  • Mend It Mark (an electronics repair guy with the kindest disposition)
  • Man Carrying Thing (politics and satire)
  • Vimjoyer (excellent infographics and walkthroughs of technologies)
  • HasanAbi (politics) 🇵🇸✊🏽
[–] 5 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

Are there obvious, inherent pitfalls to deregulation of anything at all? Yes.

Is it absolutely necessary for it to exist? Also yes. Self sovereignty is both dangerous and absolutely necessary…unless you WANT Uncle Sam to be able to put a short time-limit on spending your tax return once they adopt a Central Bank Digital Currency (and they will). With a CBDC controlled by the Fed, we will be subject to money that expires and other features that feel like bugs that go hand in hand with a central power controlling a currency.

Agree to disagree then. You don’t seem to grasp my points and I don’t grasp yours. Peace.

As my rant above detailed, I’d be happy to give up my belongings if I lived in a truly communist society. But I don’t. So, I hold onto my possessions tightly since it is literally the way I survive.

[–] 7 points 22 hours ago

That’s fair. However, I’d say anyone that is just fine with the deaths of >50,000 innocent people because of some tenuous revenge premise fall closer on the politicial spectrum to Reagan or Bush than anyone I’d even consider labelling a “liberal”.

[–] 5 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (2 children)

I suspect you should listen to your own counterpoint:

Don’t walk down the street because someone might rob you.

Don’t use your computer because someone could hack you.

Don’t go swimming because it is possible to drown.

Throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

An uncensorable ledger not controlled by any one party is (at the very least) a valuable technology with unique abilities despite scammers using it for gambling.

The digital equivalent of uniqueness is (at the very least) a valuable technology with unique abilities despite assholes using it for Bored Apes.

Just because you can’t see the use case, doesn’t mean we need to stop innovating.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)


  • don’t tend to share any of their their source code
  • usually have an initial token allocation where insiders are given early access to more than 15% of tokens. (this one is a CRUCIAL)..Obviously, the best ITA is one where the tokens are 100% available to everyone at once.
  • heavily market their cryptocurrency before it even has a use-case (most projects fall into this category)
  • their governance is centralized to some charismatic Elon-bro that talks about price all the time
  • don’t let you use any wallet you want (self-sovereignty is CRUCIAL)
  • don’t give you access to your keys at all times (again, self-sovereignty)
  • are usually just some governance token or ERC-20 or some quickly minted Solana token ($LIBRA $TRUMP $MELANIA were all obvious scams)
  • never have a viable peer-reviewed white paper
  • their code is NEVER formally verified by neutral parties
  • use technologies that are not auditable
  • use technologies that are not decentralized

I’ve spotted many scammers a mile away just starting with this list off the top of my head.

For instance, I am the moderator of and actually locked my own communities until I see the source code.

I like the tech from what they tell me. But, I can’t, in good conscience recommend it yet because it ticks some of the above scammer boxes.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Don’t call me buddy, guy!

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

You: “If you won’t spend your whole weekend on your smart phone, writing a paper for me complete with MLA formatted bibliography, you are wrong.”


For me, it’s obviously Linux.

But after that, it has to be Haskell.


We present a real-world use-case of NixOS to manage an highly distributed fleet of servers & VMs in low-resource settings used for mission critical applications. After a brief overview of who MSF is and what we do, we'll dive into the technical details of how we manage our fleet with NixOS and the unique strengths that NixOS brings to the table.


Everything this guy does would be considered ambitious to anyone else. This guy is a genius.

UUID in Purescript (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I ran into a situation the other day where UUID was needed. Sadly, the UUID module in pursuit depends on an npm package. So, I rolled my own.

I’d be happy to hear of any holes in my implementation and any other critiques anyone has to offer.

Here’s the code:

module UUID where

import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Int.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String (joinWith, length)
import Data.String.Regex (regex, test)
import Data.String.Regex.Flags (noFlags)
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Int (floor, hexadecimal, toNumber, toStringAs)
import Effect.Random (random)
import Data.Array (replicate)

newtype UUID = UUID String

instance showUUID :: Show UUID where
  show (UUID uuid) = uuid
derive instance eqUUID :: Eq UUID
derive instance ordUUID :: Ord UUID

randomInt :: Int -> Int -> Effect Int
randomInt min max = do
  r <- random
  pure $ floor $ r * toNumber (max - min + 1) + toNumber min

padStart :: Int -> String -> String
padStart targetLength str =
    paddingLength = max 0 (targetLength - length str) 
    padding = replicate paddingLength "0" 
  in joinWith "" padding <> str

parseUUID :: String -> Maybe UUID
parseUUID str = 
  case regex "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$" noFlags of
    Left _ -> Nothing
    Right r -> if test r str
               then Just $ UUID str
               else Nothing

uuidToString :: UUID -> String
uuidToString (UUID uuid) = uuid

emptyUUID :: UUID
emptyUUID = UUID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

-- | Generate a UUID v4
genUUID :: Effect UUID
genUUID = do
  -- Generate random 16-bit integers for smaller chunks
  r1 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- First half of time_low
  r2 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- Second half of time_low
  r3 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- time_mid
  r4 <- randomInt 0 0x0FFF  -- time_hi (12 bits for randomness)
  r5 <- randomInt 0 0x3FFF  -- clock_seq (14 bits for randomness)
  r6 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- First part of node
  r7 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- Second part of node
  r8 <- randomInt 0 0xFFFF  -- Third part of node

  -- Set the version (4) and variant (10)
  let versioned = r4 .|. 0x4000  -- Set version to 4 (binary OR with 0100 0000 0000 0000)
      variant = r5 .|. 0x8000    -- Set variant to 10xx (binary OR with 1000 0000 0000 0000)

  -- Convert to hex and pad as needed
  let hex1 = padStart 4 (toHex r1) <> padStart 4 (toHex r2)  -- time_low
      hex2 = padStart 4 (toHex r3)                           -- time_mid
      hex3 = padStart 4 (toHex versioned)                    -- time_hi_and_version
      hex4 = padStart 4 (toHex variant)                      -- clock_seq
      hex5 = padStart 4 (toHex r6) <> padStart 4 (toHex r7) <> padStart 4 (toHex r8) -- node
      uuid = joinWith "-" [hex1, hex2, hex3, hex4, hex5]

  pure $ UUID uuid
    toHex = toStringAs hexadecimal

It seems like the ultimate way to show WHY and HOW a company is poorly run… or the inverse.


This is an important video for the community. Charles (rightly) raises the alarm about lack of oversight on the Cardano board. Pay close attention. This is how an organization can co-opt an entire protocol.

We need to shore up this lack of community oversight ASAP.


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#fp #functionalprogramming #purescript #scala

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