What I meant to say is: what librewolf does is using this firefox feature called autoconfig. Librewolf is not exactly a fork. It's mostly autoconfig file + rebranding.
Librewolf is not exactly a fork. It is a autoconfig file (firefox feature). https://codeberg.org/librewolf/settings/raw/branch/master/librewolf.cfg
Librewolf is basically a autoconfig file for firefox (firefox feature). https://codeberg.org/librewolf/settings/raw/branch/master/librewolf.cfg You can use this file in normal firefox.
Librewolf is not exactly a fork. It is a autoconfig file for firefox (which is a firefox feature). https://codeberg.org/librewolf/settings/raw/branch/master/librewolf.cfg It's not a solution.
It's all just real and you people are delusional. You believe the psy ops. I'm disillusioned.
LOL You can't trust lawyers here! I know! You definitely can't trust psychiatry, police and judicial system. They illegally lock people up with fraud. You're delusional! But that's the psy ops probably.
And they still do it in Europe too.
Only blocking will achieve this fully.
What I use is Firefox with config (similar to librewolf) + blocking using privoxy. I've been using this for a long time. However I'm no longer confident this is sufficient.