I'm pretty sure that the fox in fox news actually comes from a mispronunciation of the word faux. Faux news.
American Jesus
pronounced Jee-bus
When I was younger, I used to throw grasshoppers into pens full of baby chicks where they would tear the grasshoppers limb from limb. Also, rats used to live in the henhouse but they don't anymore because the hens killed all the rats.
I was about to say golf courses, but then I realized that people actually use golf courses to play golf, which is more then the average lawn is used for.
The last thing we want is a repeat of the Night of the Living Piss
"The bomb partially detonated, resulting in some minor fire damage"
Apparently he isn't very good at being a terrorist. It didn't even manage to knock down the door and I can't even see any damage in the picture.
I don't understand why so many businesses are against remote work. If I was a CEO and was told that there was a way to decrease expenditures on rent and increase employee morale I would be asking "how fast can we switch?", not pushing back against it.
Illegal immigrants deserve more then 35k. Those people are getting away from the worst places imaginable with nothing to their names
You joke, but many modern trucks/SUVs have worst visibility then a M1 abrams.
I hate the interface rework that requires you to use your mouse, and won't play new versions because of it
Positive adjective, rual noun
Cold beer
Warm night
Red pick-up
and something about hunting or fishing thrown in there and you now have a modern country song
For reference, a mature colony of honey bees usually numbers around 40,000. That's 1.5 colonies of bees.