Are you talking about the super model episode?
Thanks for the inspiration, making an horchata latte this afternoon.
That's one way to stop a trump vote, ask them to follow the rules and be curtious to others till they punch you in the face and get ejected from the voting location.
We need more people that can take a punchat voting locations. We only have so many old people.
Right Just change all male genetics to produce batmans
Amanda waller did it, and had planned on killing Terry's parent as well to make another batman for gotham, not Bruce.
I am not a fan of epic games store myself but, Exclusives are not the problem it's monopolizing 99.99% of all apps and installs. It's OK for small app stores to have exclusives because there isn't enough money in the world a small company could spend that would destabilize Google app store at this point.
Crowdstrike sounds like the name a of a security vulnerability and now it is.
Already see the articles... "50% of computers infected with crowdstrike"
But the cold is where I want my emotional state to end up.
Oh really?
I too am not knowledgeable about aerodynamic myself but my educated guess is because of efficiency. Moving horizontally , energy is conserved by lift. You would need more energy over longer periods of time to fly vertically which is why planes stall when they try to climb to high to fast. Also the higher up you go the thinner the air meaning you would need combustion to get any higher at some point as there would not be enough air to push to keep you up.
Over extrusion and first layer to close to bed.
Adjust z oddest 0.05mm and see if it still happens. You might also calibrate your e steps if you still see issues.
I had to go look it up, I couldnt believe it!
Such a good movie!